If a woman is willing to kill her unborn baby, NO MATTER THE CURCUMSTANCE, then she deserves the hanger treatment. I'll add, she also deserves whatever infection hopefully takes her out, too. Better this then to live with what she has done. Which is to KILL her innocent unborn child.
Yeah, I am not sure how common it was, although I knew a woman who said she did it before Roe v Wade. She was a vile woman in regard to this. It did give her an infection that caused her to end up in the ER. She said the nurses were unkind to her. Rightfully so!
This woman was telling me this to make me feel better about my abortion. Did not work, in fact, strengthened my resolve against abortion. I am staunchly PRO LIFE now and advocate as much as I can against it. Back in the day when I had Facebook, I would ruin these stupid little girls reality with the truth about abortion.
I can only pray my child forgives me. I know God has. In the bible it says that women are redeemed from their original sin (Eve) through child birth. I have had 4 successful births.
Funny how you can always see satan when you actually know what to look for. That evil MF would try to reclaim woman as a whole through the abomination known as abortion.
In the early 80’s my mom was pregnant with my brother and had to have a cancerous kidney removed. Multiple doctors ASSURED her the “fetus” would be severely affected by all the drugs, anaesthesia, potential surgical difficulties etc. They terrified her with warnings that he’d be blind or deaf or severely mentally retarded, and that it would be far more merciful to terminate the pregnancy now.
At first she said fuck no, but they warned her that her own life would be in danger too and then basically pointed to her 3 year old son (me) and emotionally blackmailed her with “do you really want to leave him without a mother?”
She struggled with the choice for some time, but when her own father caught wind of it all, he (literally) put the fear of God into her and told her under no circumstances should she murder her own child.
She had a successful surgery and then three months later my brother was born through C-section, absolutely fucking nothing wrong with him. He’s now a grown man with three children of his own.
I will never understand the undeserved reverence doctors are paid by our society, especially after Covid exposed what a bunch of lying hacks they are. Terrible profession
Here is another, of the same doctor, explaining the procedure. Terrible.
And just want to add that the “millstone” comment, I’m assuming referring to what Jesus Christ said, isn’t referring to little children. It’s referring to new Christians. Those that have found that newfound, childlike faith in Jesus. And to those that mislead or try to confuse those in their new relationship with Christ, should rather have a millstone…and so on.
I'm sure it's just a matter of numbers before one would need to save the mother's life, but I could only imagine it would be extremely rare. They almost passed a bill back when Clinton was president to limit abortion (late term only if I recall correctly) and Clinton wanted to change the words "life of the mother" to "health of the mother". That could have been mental health. I recall it was quiet in the Senate waiting for the vote and it was either right before or after the veto override vote was cast, a baby started crying.
The truth will set us free. 🙏
Should have asked him if he heard of an abortion being done in a back alley with a clothes hanger....
If a woman is willing to kill her unborn baby, NO MATTER THE CURCUMSTANCE, then she deserves the hanger treatment. I'll add, she also deserves whatever infection hopefully takes her out, too. Better this then to live with what she has done. Which is to KILL her innocent unborn child.
Sincerely, A woman who now knows the truth.
I agree. Back in the day,that argument was used all the time,but I don't think it was very common.
Yeah, I am not sure how common it was, although I knew a woman who said she did it before Roe v Wade. She was a vile woman in regard to this. It did give her an infection that caused her to end up in the ER. She said the nurses were unkind to her. Rightfully so!
This woman was telling me this to make me feel better about my abortion. Did not work, in fact, strengthened my resolve against abortion. I am staunchly PRO LIFE now and advocate as much as I can against it. Back in the day when I had Facebook, I would ruin these stupid little girls reality with the truth about abortion.
I can only pray my child forgives me. I know God has. In the bible it says that women are redeemed from their original sin (Eve) through child birth. I have had 4 successful births.
Funny how you can always see satan when you actually know what to look for. That evil MF would try to reclaim woman as a whole through the abomination known as abortion.
Won't work, God knows ALL.
In the early 80’s my mom was pregnant with my brother and had to have a cancerous kidney removed. Multiple doctors ASSURED her the “fetus” would be severely affected by all the drugs, anaesthesia, potential surgical difficulties etc. They terrified her with warnings that he’d be blind or deaf or severely mentally retarded, and that it would be far more merciful to terminate the pregnancy now.
At first she said fuck no, but they warned her that her own life would be in danger too and then basically pointed to her 3 year old son (me) and emotionally blackmailed her with “do you really want to leave him without a mother?”
She struggled with the choice for some time, but when her own father caught wind of it all, he (literally) put the fear of God into her and told her under no circumstances should she murder her own child.
She had a successful surgery and then three months later my brother was born through C-section, absolutely fucking nothing wrong with him. He’s now a grown man with three children of his own.
I will never understand the undeserved reverence doctors are paid by our society, especially after Covid exposed what a bunch of lying hacks they are. Terrible profession
Here is a great video to teach some about the truth of abortions.
Here is another, of the same doctor, explaining the procedure. Terrible.
And just want to add that the “millstone” comment, I’m assuming referring to what Jesus Christ said, isn’t referring to little children. It’s referring to new Christians. Those that have found that newfound, childlike faith in Jesus. And to those that mislead or try to confuse those in their new relationship with Christ, should rather have a millstone…and so on.
I, personally, have. And I'm not a doctor.
They are conflating emergency deliveries with abortion. It’s despicable.
I'm sure it's just a matter of numbers before one would need to save the mother's life, but I could only imagine it would be extremely rare. They almost passed a bill back when Clinton was president to limit abortion (late term only if I recall correctly) and Clinton wanted to change the words "life of the mother" to "health of the mother". That could have been mental health. I recall it was quiet in the Senate waiting for the vote and it was either right before or after the veto override vote was cast, a baby started crying.