You aren't required to get 1099's as a contractor making under $600 from an entity.
This is why there are networks of many NGOs, all funded by the same source.
Each NGO could coordinate to pay you $500 or whatever the amount might be. If it was 20 of them, you just made $10k and there's no paper trail showing it as income. They are leaked out over time to make it less obvious. The amounts and sources probably vary throughout the payment network, too.
This is essentially a form of structured payments. It would be a crime if it was detected. Somebody from the IRS likely knows the parameters set to flag these types of situations, so the payments get structured in a way that automated systems will not detect.
You aren't required to get 1099's as a contractor making under $600 from an entity.
This is why there are networks of many NGOs, all funded by the same source.
Each NGO could coordinate to pay you $500 or whatever the amount might be. If it was 20 of them, you just made $10k and there's no paper trail showing it as income. They are leaked out over time to make it less obvious. The amounts and sources probably vary throughout the payment network, too.
This is essentially a form of structured payments. It would be a crime if it was detected. Somebody from the IRS likely knows the parameters set to flag these types of situations, so the payments get structured in a way that automated systems will not detect.
Oh I understand what you are saying. Wow.