My condolences that you have no concept of the differences in learning capacity of people born with disabilities, exposed to lead, etc etc. And clearly lack the empathy and humility to try to understand that your perspective is limited.
God bless you friend and may he open your eyes to that which I speak of.
Oh I get the Real Disabilities, but LEAD isn't one of them, I and ALL of my friends grew up in houses with Lead Based Paint, absolutely NONE of us ever ATE any of the paint chips, and IF we had, we would have gotten beaten within an inch of our lives for eating a NONFOOD SUBSTANCE, plus called Stupid for about a year by our Friends for doing so, that whole thing about kids eating Paint Chips is a 100% Total LIE....
Vaxxxines on the other hand....
But even my most Mentally disabled Friend was intelligent enough to know most of the Common Sense things that these current Moronic Generations think they need LABEL WARNINGS for....
My Perspective isn't ""LIMITED"", its very well Earned, Collected, Condensed, Collated, and Summarized, we've been bamboozled, lied to, an frauded, we have been Mentally Abused, Mislead, Misinformed, and heavily Propagandized, especially in the direction where, some lean into Emotions to an allow Empathy to rule their Minds, whereas others move towards Logic an Common Sense to find out what is it, and Why is it....
Way too many People lean way too heavily upon their Emotions, I no longer do, I have had enough of other people manipulating me via my Emotions, that shit ended a very long time ago, and I have worked from Logic and Common Sense ever since, because Emotions Dictate you Cole the Scraped Knee, or the Skinned Elbow, while Ignoring the Slippery Floor that Caused each, or you Punish the Janitor for Mopping, and not the children running into the WET FLOOR AREA....
Joey:: Touches That, Screams in pain, has a first or Second Degree Burn on his fingers, an is now pissed his pants, shit himself, vomited profusely, and is in need of Medical Attentions....
Dad:: {As he administers First Aid} I told you to NOT Touch that, because it would hurt you, an now you have been hurt....
Joey:: [Later after bawling his ass off] Why didn't you tell me???
Dad::: Joey, I did tell you, I told you to Not Touch that because it would hurt you, but you went an DISOBEYED me an touche it anyway, an you got yourself Hurt. Do You see??
And this is where we are in our Society.....
The ADULTS keep saying ""Don't Do That"" it will ENSLAVE YOU.....
And the Child Minded keep Pushing to DO THAT....
I really hope you get the Jist of this, it isn't that I'm being unemotional, it's just that I WAS Joey, an now I'm Dad, and, through EXPERIENCE, I know Better.....
Oh I get it, I'm a dad too...but there are people like a child I follow on FB that has leukodystrophy. He attends school, but will never understand a lot of what he will learn, because of his genetic condition. He is non verbal in 3rd grade. The happiest and nicest kid you'd ever want to meet but he literally cannot do certain things neurological kids can do. In a walker, etc.
There's def the type you talk about that don't want to or are too lazy or distracted by the world to do what they should but there are plenty like my friend who sadly will never be able to do those things though they'd love to.
Then there are the kids abused, forced to be drug mules for their parents, if they have them, falling asleep in my 2nd period English class at 14 when they're still in 7th grade bc they're out dealing drugs at night to help their mom keep the shitty rental. Kids who were hiding behind a sofa when gang members broke in and killed the family member who they lived with etc etc. I've seen a lot. Those kids need extra help to get their acts together and school does not do a good job of providing it
Well, Sometimes you get Disciplined by your Parents, sometimes by your Friends, and the rest of the time, by Life itself.....
The trick is to Learn an not Earn enough Self Discipline between the Ages of 5 and 18 so that one doesn't End Up getting Disciplined by Life in harsher ways than just a belt or Electrical Cord....
As for Special Ed Children, they have my most full heartfelt support upon their travels through this merciless plane of existence, but as a ""A TRIBE"", we Humonkeys have made their Road as smooth as we possibly can within our mediate technological and physical restrictions, this has nothing to o with emotions either, because of course we see that in the forefront, yes, they are a burden upon their Families, and as such on Society.....
That said, these next few comments may come back an kick me in the Ass, but, in other places on the planet such as Russia and the Counties of the European Union, yes I meant COUNTIES, for they are no longer States, anyway, we here in The States have made Life and Living into a Science, even with all Oppression we have been through, an all the Propaganda we have had shoved down our Collective throats, still we make FOR those less fortunate than the Average Man, many Pleasantries and Plenary Accommodations, to the point that we even put ourselves OUT of our Natural Place just to please those who would otherwise, in ANY other place EXCEPT here in the U.S., would most likely be DEAD, an there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that anyone in their right mind would ever be able to DENY that....
My condolences that you have no concept of the differences in learning capacity of people born with disabilities, exposed to lead, etc etc. And clearly lack the empathy and humility to try to understand that your perspective is limited.
God bless you friend and may he open your eyes to that which I speak of.
Oh I get the Real Disabilities, but LEAD isn't one of them, I and ALL of my friends grew up in houses with Lead Based Paint, absolutely NONE of us ever ATE any of the paint chips, and IF we had, we would have gotten beaten within an inch of our lives for eating a NONFOOD SUBSTANCE, plus called Stupid for about a year by our Friends for doing so, that whole thing about kids eating Paint Chips is a 100% Total LIE....
Vaxxxines on the other hand....
But even my most Mentally disabled Friend was intelligent enough to know most of the Common Sense things that these current Moronic Generations think they need LABEL WARNINGS for....
My Perspective isn't ""LIMITED"", its very well Earned, Collected, Condensed, Collated, and Summarized, we've been bamboozled, lied to, an frauded, we have been Mentally Abused, Mislead, Misinformed, and heavily Propagandized, especially in the direction where, some lean into Emotions to an allow Empathy to rule their Minds, whereas others move towards Logic an Common Sense to find out what is it, and Why is it....
Way too many People lean way too heavily upon their Emotions, I no longer do, I have had enough of other people manipulating me via my Emotions, that shit ended a very long time ago, and I have worked from Logic and Common Sense ever since, because Emotions Dictate you Cole the Scraped Knee, or the Skinned Elbow, while Ignoring the Slippery Floor that Caused each, or you Punish the Janitor for Mopping, and not the children running into the WET FLOOR AREA....
IT comes own to something like this::
Dad:: Hey Joey, Don't Touch That, it's hot, it'll hurt you....
Joey:: Touches That, Screams in pain, has a first or Second Degree Burn on his fingers, an is now pissed his pants, shit himself, vomited profusely, and is in need of Medical Attentions....
Dad:: {As he administers First Aid} I told you to NOT Touch that, because it would hurt you, an now you have been hurt....
Joey:: [Later after bawling his ass off] Why didn't you tell me???
Dad::: Joey, I did tell you, I told you to Not Touch that because it would hurt you, but you went an DISOBEYED me an touche it anyway, an you got yourself Hurt. Do You see??
And this is where we are in our Society.....
The ADULTS keep saying ""Don't Do That"" it will ENSLAVE YOU.....
And the Child Minded keep Pushing to DO THAT....
I really hope you get the Jist of this, it isn't that I'm being unemotional, it's just that I WAS Joey, an now I'm Dad, and, through EXPERIENCE, I know Better.....
Oh I get it, I'm a dad too...but there are people like a child I follow on FB that has leukodystrophy. He attends school, but will never understand a lot of what he will learn, because of his genetic condition. He is non verbal in 3rd grade. The happiest and nicest kid you'd ever want to meet but he literally cannot do certain things neurological kids can do. In a walker, etc.
There's def the type you talk about that don't want to or are too lazy or distracted by the world to do what they should but there are plenty like my friend who sadly will never be able to do those things though they'd love to.
Then there are the kids abused, forced to be drug mules for their parents, if they have them, falling asleep in my 2nd period English class at 14 when they're still in 7th grade bc they're out dealing drugs at night to help their mom keep the shitty rental. Kids who were hiding behind a sofa when gang members broke in and killed the family member who they lived with etc etc. I've seen a lot. Those kids need extra help to get their acts together and school does not do a good job of providing it
I see what you are saying also though
Well, Sometimes you get Disciplined by your Parents, sometimes by your Friends, and the rest of the time, by Life itself.....
The trick is to Learn an not Earn enough Self Discipline between the Ages of 5 and 18 so that one doesn't End Up getting Disciplined by Life in harsher ways than just a belt or Electrical Cord....
As for Special Ed Children, they have my most full heartfelt support upon their travels through this merciless plane of existence, but as a ""A TRIBE"", we Humonkeys have made their Road as smooth as we possibly can within our mediate technological and physical restrictions, this has nothing to o with emotions either, because of course we see that in the forefront, yes, they are a burden upon their Families, and as such on Society.....
That said, these next few comments may come back an kick me in the Ass, but, in other places on the planet such as Russia and the Counties of the European Union, yes I meant COUNTIES, for they are no longer States, anyway, we here in The States have made Life and Living into a Science, even with all Oppression we have been through, an all the Propaganda we have had shoved down our Collective throats, still we make FOR those less fortunate than the Average Man, many Pleasantries and Plenary Accommodations, to the point that we even put ourselves OUT of our Natural Place just to please those who would otherwise, in ANY other place EXCEPT here in the U.S., would most likely be DEAD, an there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that anyone in their right mind would ever be able to DENY that....