The World Jewish Congress (WJC) amends International holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. It's now antisemitic to say Israel involved in assassination of JFK.

Here is what Grok says on the matter. I'm assuming everyone saw that Elon made the JFK files searchable there:
That's a very basic and shallow summary.
The fact is there are multiple lines of evidence tying the CIA/massad / Israel to various parts of his assassination.
Israel's nuclear program began in the 1950s with assistance from France, particularly in the construction of the Dimona reactor in the Negev Desert.
By the mid 1960s, it was widely believed that Israel had developed the capability to produce nuclear weapons.
JFK was assassinated in 1963
When we also look at the timeline of the creation of the modern state of Israel and the CIAs involvement... Well things become even more clear.
This guy loves Israel and I have gotten in numerous arguments with him about it.
He needs to watch Candace Owen’s breakdown of the files. It very much ties Israel to the assassination (along with others). Best part. She only uses Jewish sources for her claims.
CIA may have physically done it but the Jewish lobby definitely had a hand in it.
There, I fixed the formatting for you.
It's too bad this topic is so divisive.
That's why it had to be #IsraelForLast
The good news is that soon more info will come to light, and there will be little rhyme or reason to debate anything anymore because the facts will speak for themselves.