His name is fiveheadedangel on instagram. claims to be a 7th gen illuminati member, talks about politics and shit a lot. talks about his family having long traces back to royal bloodlines. claims to be a good guy speaking out but i dont really trust him. but he's been apparently punished for saying too much on his instagram.
https://sendvid.com/kf3xoszb <--- video here
Fake and gay, don’t fall for this dumb stuff. They were in total control of us, just think about Covid, BLM, etc. Anyone you know is probably still 90% asleep: there was no reason at all to “inform” and “mobilize” us like this, only to rug pull us into oblivion. That stuff simply does not make sense.
this dude definitely LARPing for the illuminati
Teach people to research and draw their own conclusions- worst Psyop ever JS
We don't need silly FUD.
Then let him trip code login and say so....no outside comms must have forgotten his own rules... :)
I stopped reading at "illuminati member." This is all I needed to know.
It's definitely a concern of mine--especially the timing when they did it--to keep people from targeting Obama perhaps. I guess the good thing is that more people than ever are delving into these people's backgrounds, whether Q is true or not.
The Illuminati is a secret for intellectuals, looking at a few of his posts all I see is mental instability. 😂😂
Let's look at this logically. If Q is a psyop designed to keep us inert, why is this guy tipping us off? Seems he is acting against his goals of world control.
The I know Q and inside information is similar to the post Kennedy assassination operations. Muddy the waters. Then further away you get the less accurate the information for the n00bs. The original anons 2017 are equivalent to those on the grassy knoll. Let’s wish them well.
I'm on the Q team, chosen from many, and can't tell you NCSWIC
Lmao. They done fucked up then. Psyoped themselves.