"The Failing New York Times insists on using Liddle’ Peter Baker, a really bad writer and Obama biographer and sycophant, to write many of the long and boring Fake News hit pieces against me. The only two people with less talent than Peter are his “wife,” the lovely Susan Glasser, and, of course, Maggot Hagerman, who may be the least talented writer in the entire stable of New York Times’ MEDIOCRITY! There’s something really wrong with these people, and their SICK, TRUMP DERANGED EDITORS. They did everything within their power to help rig the Election against me. How did that work out??? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"
"Maggot Hagerman" 🤣
He's Keklarious! 😹
"The Failing New York Times insists on using Liddle’ Peter Baker, a really bad writer and Obama biographer and sycophant, to write many of the long and boring Fake News hit pieces against me. The only two people with less talent than Peter are his “wife,” the lovely Susan Glasser, and, of course, Maggot Hagerman, who may be the least talented writer in the entire stable of New York Times’ MEDIOCRITY! There’s something really wrong with these people, and their SICK, TRUMP DERANGED EDITORS. They did everything within their power to help rig the Election against me. How did that work out??? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"
Q warned Maggie several times..
"Smoking can be bad for your health. Read the warning label. Deboard train and walk away. Once in the tunnel, there is no going back. Q"
Dan Scavino said that Trump's posts are exactly what Trump is. What you see is what you get.
Might as well let it rip.
Agreed! Guess his telling us that Baker is a pedo like 'Liddle Adam Schiff'
fiddling about.
You see politicians of all stripes do 180's once the winds change. Trump still sounds like he did in the 80's. Steady as a rock.
Maggie Haberman not Margo Hegerman. NYT reporter.
Pediatric touch therapy. Sick fucks.
I - I - I - I - I N -E - E - E - D - E - D T - H - A - T ! ! ! :-)
"lovely" Susan Glasser. LOL. So I had to look her up. Yuck