I will have to admit Im getting a bit worried about to many people over at TD getting into Q. With no real knowledge of what we all learned and read daily over months and months and months they could easily do stupid things since some will be followers and might follow the infiltrators by not knowing what to look out for. I was feeling a bit down this morning when I found this sub is back so I hope this will be a great place to get into the Q full steam again also im glad to have a place again to discuss Q without having to annoy the real Rangers and Strike Groups on the chns.
Lets drive these clowns into the light
https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/new https://voat.co/v/QRV/new
I've been active on Voat since reddit went mental.
Until recently, voat required a sign-in to even read posts. It limited the audience and therefore the propagation of Q related news and opinions.
It looks like several .win forums have strong DJT & Q followings, let's plan for success.