posted ago by TheBottomLine ago by TheBottomLine +46 / -0

Great investigative Journalism leads to discovery that Brennan and Obama imported BLM and ANTIFA leadership from Germany and Ukraine to destroy USA = Infiltration (GreatAwakening)

submitted 2.3 hours ago by dissembleu


This article is well done with many links and proofs. Here is a small excerpt:

The city of Seattle sat by for an entire month while a German nationalist political party took over a few blocks of US soil without even a whimper. Why were proxy soldiers from Utzer’s German-controlled group allowed to illegally arm themselves? Scroll back up for the marching orders.

This is also probably the reason for the quick name change from “Autonomous Zone to CHAZ. When autonomy started to be defined it provided a little insight into finding the leadership in the European Parliament.

Let’s be clear. A German political party with European Parliament representation declared war on the nascent presidency of Donald Trump in no uncertain terms in early December 2016