I saw this last week and bought into it immediately. I've been thinking about it ever since and I just looked into it again, finding out that this wasn't even an official Robert Trump Twitter account.
I'm feeling really stupid and now I'm wondering if all of Q is bullshit like this.
There is no need to place trust blindly in a video & related account that publishes it that purports to show tweets when the visuals are sufficient for anyone watching to try and source them - looking up the same twitter accounts, date ranges and so on. Since this hasn't happened (or you would have mentioned it), then fair to say that it isnt real - or is hindered from providing substantiation in some way that we dont know about. For what purpose, that's up for discussion.
Someone well meaning but dishonest? Agitprop to poke at particular people on the left? Propaganda put out by the left to characterise and discredit Q folks as gullible? All speculative masquerading as something more substantial? Perhaps someone who themselves is honest but has been led astray by hostile actors.
Beyond this specific video, the channel has been around a while (Joined Apr 4, 2016), is reasonably popular as far as a niche interest goes ( 482,815 views ) and seems to have been on-message for all of this time. Which makes it kind of over-involved for the long con, for an infiltrator. Most on the left have the attention span of a goldfish fair to say.
Like all things, watch, think, and question. At the very least you could try messaging the channel owner and asking. Comments are enabled but they dont seem to be responsive to video discussion.
Who to trust is always an interesting question on the info battle-space.. if you know how bayesian spam filters work, try a method like that and score something up and/or down as you look at them and see correlations and consistency, or unsourced speculation, dependences on bad platforms & tech, hyperbole etc.