posted ago by SirThundercuntTRONxp ago by SirThundercuntTRONxp +29 / -0

The following is a repost from r/conspiracy


I touched the shit so you don't have to:

Q is military PSYOP. I don’t know who cooked it up but apparently one drop said there was 10 members, 3 non military and 7 military. General Flynn and Admiral Rogers, both former directors of the DIA and NSA respectively are definitely involved. A lot of people think Elon Musk is involved. I don’t claim to have proof positive of anything, it is still a guessing game. Trump is clearly happy to run with it. It is largely portrayed that this is an information war. General Flynn has referred to people as digital soldiers and his family has made the oath of allegiance online and finished it by saying WWG1WGA.

First and foremost Q is a PSYOP but it is also an ARG (Actual Reality Game), a source of disclosure, a communications backchannel and a platform to promote various political agendas. The primary goals of Q anon are as follows:

  1. Promote American patriotism

  2. Provide a communication back channel

  3. Raise awareness of various conspiracy theories

  4. Attract devoted members for political goals

  5. Use gamification to encourage participation

  6. Increase awareness of brainwashing by the MSM

  7. Expose corrupt politicians on both sides

  8. Get more votes for Trump

  9. Provide a rallying call for disenchanted citizens

  10. Convert lefties

  11. Expose Soros agendas such as Antifa and BLM

  12. Encourage free thought by using clues and hints

  13. Provide disclosure of ETs and hidden technology

  14. Dismantle the CIA

Most of the conspiracy theory content is old news and none of it started with Q. Q is almost like a clearing house for conspiracy theories. Pizzagate, UFOLOGY, Mockingbird MSM, Fifth Column infiltration of the USA, the fact that the MSM and corrupt politicians drive a constant agenda of division by pushing divisive and hate filled agendas which divide people based on race, gender, sexuality and politics. In fact there is not much new in the drops. (Although the “looking glass drop” which referred to Project Looking Glass was new to me and a huge eye opener).

A lot of the agenda is achieved using gamification aspects. The drops themselves generally present hints and topics and the “anons” are then supposed to do their own research. Twitter was the venue for many of the most popular accounts to discuss Q anon but it has now been banned and most of the big accounts, some which had more than quarter of a million followers have been deleted by Twitter. YouTube has quite a few channels devoted to Q anon and to date, YouTube has been more tolerant than Twitter.

This sub is the only place on Reddit where you can discuss Q anon (unless you count r/Qult_Headquarters which is just a circle jerk hate sub). In fact Q is probably the most censored topic on the internet. For example on Twitter you can discuss paedophilia and being “minor attracted” but you will be banned if you mention Q anon. The mainstream media has devoted endless articles calling it “debunked” “baseless” “hoax” etc. The Q drops are made as hints, clues, predictions, disinformation, private messages to field operatives, religious quotes, memes etc. There is now way you can just write it off or dismiss it.

Let’s say the entire purpose of the PSYOP/ AR game (note - LARPs are AR games) known as Q is to make certain disclosures seep into the public consciousness, galvanise Trump’s base, win over lefties, teach people to think for themselves with riddles and hints and get more votes for Trump. If those were the purposes of the operation then you would have to say it is absolutely succeeding. The wellness crowd and soccer mums have been jumping on the bandwagon on Facebook and Instagram. The public trusts the MSM less than ever. Some of the negative activities of elites have been brought further into the public consciousness. No matter which way you look at it, the Q anon has been a total mission success in every way. In fact it is FAR from over. Much more will be revealed after the election. However, after the election I believe the Q anon operation will be basically shut down and relegated to history. Either that or it will mainstream and become a sort of pseudo-cultural influence.