Normalizing peadophilia and pushing it on children is what the sick bastard fassion industry and advirtising industry do. Since all the world wide trafficking stings are reducing the trade to nothing, refrigerated cargo and billboard advertisements is all there is as far as recrutement goes. Yes it is sick, and it is a sign of the times. We should educate the children about this instead of the birds and bees. This needs to be recognised and understood so that the programming no longer works.
Normalizing peadophilia and pushing it on children is what the sick bastard fassion industry and advirtising industry do. Since all the world wide trafficking stings are reducing the trade to nothing, refrigerated cargo and billboard advertisements is all there is as far as recrutement goes. Yes it is sick, and it is a sign of the times. We should educate the children about this instead of the birds and bees. This needs to be recognised and understood so that the programming no longer works.