u/tracybean76 u/Jackdagger u/Wtf_socialismreally u/intuit u/GA-Peach-Patriot u/Puncake150 u/TrumpsWall u/PeaceAndLovePatriot u/ToxicLibertyism u/mengderen & others
Those are terrible times but still we shall have a bit hope.
Are those numbers real or is that:
What is Trump's card anons ? Or rather Who ? What if that are comms ?
Can you try once more ? Audit,audit,audit.
u/tracybean76 u/Jackdagger u/Wtf_socialismreally u/intuit u/GA-Peach-Patriot u/Puncake150 u/TrumpsWall u/PeaceAndLovePatriot u/ToxicLibertyism u/mengderen & others
Those are terrible times but still we shall have a bit hope.
Are those numbers real or is that:
What is Trump's card anons ? Or rather Who ? What if comms ?
Can you try once more ? Audit,audit,audit.
u/tracybean76 u/Jackdagger u/Wtf_socialismreally u/intuit u/GA-Peach-Patriot u/Puncake150 u/TrumpsWall u/PeaceAndLovePatriot u/ToxicLibertyism u/mengderen & others
Those are terrible times but still we shall have a bit hope.
Are those numbers real or is that:
Can you try once more ? Audit. What is Trump's card anons ? Or rather Who ?