There as a LOT of radiation after Fukishima blew out that was carried to the West Coast in the prevailing winds-if you remember, oblamer and family jumped into a jet and went to South America for the duration.. 😒
I find it amazing that the local investigative reporters uncover so much in the community to expose but whenthe 4 AM memo comes outt, they just go along with it... 😢
To them, the oath is just a bunch of words; this applies to our Constitution. This makes dismissing everything that does not agree with their agendas...😒
I am 79 YO, and I remember the 'way it was'; this lovely ad brought it all back and I teared up on what was AND what wil be again... "The best is yet to come" indeed!
What makes a rare diamond is size, clarity, color and cut; a one carat round cut 'D" color and VVS1 or IF (internally flawless) are rare-size is everything in diamonds..
The massage is the message-all in the search for a happy ending... 😎