I live in Texas,we open carry and concealed carry.I think the obvious number of people with guns prevents crime.Carry openly,be cordial.

You are in a room,there is a button and a window.In the window sits God watching you.By pushing this button you kill every pedophile on the earth instantly.Would you push the button.The decision you are making now should guide your future choices?Would I push it.Yes I would.


If what we say about vaccines and masks is indeed disinformation,why aren't we being sue'd.Could the vaccine proponents be afraid of the "discovery"part?

Christian,before you count the souls you bring to Christ.Remember,a thousand seeds were planted prior,usually by hard and callous men.


Just north of Amarillo Texas.Eighteen jet streams in the air at 1400.Was very careful in count.Unusual here.


On the Marine Corps Anniversary,I just want to say.Here's to the Army,Navy,Air force,Coast Guard,Space Force guys and gals.The USMC understands that the fact you only had one ball,no IQ and didn't know who your daddy was,is not really your fault.And we do thank you for trying to help.What is it y'all say,oh yeah, It's the thought that counts.And it's uurah,not rerer,Semper Fi.


Above article title at gcaptain.com.ARC won the bid.KBR protest and won it away from ARC.Largest share holder in KBR is Black rock.


The ARK winning bid for Home safe LLC was just contested,pulled and awarded to KBR.Ark is the program to move our militarys household goods.KBR major share holder is Black rock.This has stink all over it.A dig here should produce bucoo shit.I am not internet literate at all.Dont know how to get the sauce to this site.


He gets up afore the sun,everyday.Maintains the truck,thaws it out,feeds,doctor's,moves the stock,shoots a coyote,checks it for rabies,changes the water,fixs the gate,maintenances the water pump,pulls the eggs,milks.Brings a load of firewood,throws out tomorrow's hay,refills the feed bunker.Mourns the child he had to cutoff from the family due to meth use.Checks the mail for letter from the child in the military.Stops at grave and mourns his truck dog,a dog he had to kill for chasing stock.He isn't will educated,maybe an associates degree,goes to church sometimes,mostly for the kids.He won't deny them a belief system,figures they'll sort that out when their grown.Sure hates that meth.Comes in for breakfast,eats with grandma,mom and the kids,reviews the kids chores for when they get home.Drives them to school bus.Goes home,has coffee,cleans his rifle,checks with mama for a honey due list.Goes to work on barn roof.Changes the tractor oil and fires her up.Gonna need a new starter afore harvest.Goes out to check graze and patch stock tank,tighten some fence wire,refills the deer feeder.Wishes he knew who started his boy on meth,thinking about deer hunting on boys first buck.Stopped to pray for that boy.Killed a skunk,hoped it was the one spookin up the dogs last night.Checked for prairie dog holes, don't need to lose no calves this year,what with grandma's cancer.He ain't very bible thumpin,but he's pretty set on a couple verses from the book,that an a country saying his great grandpa taught him."You will know them by their fruit","an eye for an eye"you can kill a theif in your house when the watch is asleep.And"it don't matter what skunk bit your dog and give him the rabies,you still got to shoot your dog!Made him sad thinking about his truck dog.Killed a rattler by the gate.Looked like time to get the kids.Driven up to the stop,he noticed a Biden sign in old Wills rent house lawn.He thought people are a lot like truck dogs,lick your face,sit in the truck while you work,then chase stock when you can't see em.He reckoned that time was coming.He double checked with the kids what school was teaching.Yup, he's awake now,but not like them"woke"folks,he is your sure enough your huckleberry though.


Governor Abbot is requesting Texas State Gaurd to assist at the Texas border.Perdiam and room will be paid.Join the Texas State Guard!!!


Governor Abbot is requesting Texas State Gaurd to assist at the Texas border.Perdiem and room will be paid.Join the Texas State Guard!!!


People are dying,losing their incomes,homes,vehicles,insurance,health.Time is up,anyone still pushing the covid narrative in any form,is an enemy,a collaborator.


Some people think of the movers and shakers of the bible as special people.Perhaps a large neon sign over their head that said(do what he says,god told him to),that way everyone else knew to follow the special guy.When in fact,it is pointed out repeatedly that they were just normal people,with normal people failings,and no neon signs.Now I was not there,so I cannot attest to the truth of these stories.However,even I can see the wisdom in them.I do not believe God gave young David special skill,and a bionic arm to sling a nuclear stone at Goliath.I do believe David's conviction of his being on the side of right gave him the courage and steadiness needed to kill Goliath.Presto,chango,David made his own neon sign.Too many christians are hiding behind their religion for the sake of their own comfort.Jesus said"I will spit out the look warm".

My brother,my most trusted human,a man whom I have never seen tell a lie to anyone about anything,recently became I'll. His wife also. Their day one symptoms started with severe fatigue.They are both super fit.He planks 6 minutes.Retired firefighter in his sixties.Krav maga etc.Very high pain thresh hold. By the night of day one,they had developed a dry non productive cough and pain at ribs radiating to lower back and hips.Tramadol did not relieve the pain enough to sleep. The morning of day two,they took the paste with the aspirin,vitamin regimen.By the night of day two,fatigue was greatly reduced,cough had become productive and the pain was decreased enough to sleep with tramadol assist. This morning after their second medication/vitamin regimen,all symptoms are decreased enough they went for their morning walk.Still have productive cough but all symptoms are greatly reduced. His wife elected to get tested and did test covid positive(whatever that means). Hope this provides insight.

I cannot help but be reminded of how the Jewish people of Warsaw basically sat obediantly. While they were slowly surrounded.And starved out.Killed or sent to death camps. The Vietnamese,Laos,Cambodia,Ruby Ridge,Waco,Lavoy Finicum murder. Soon perhaps we will also be denied medical care(already happening-AH),denied access to goods-AH,children removed-AH,weapons removed without crime committed-AH,standards lowered in all schools-AH,inspection standards lowered in health care facilities-AH,voting system completely corrupted-AH,food seeds genetically altered-AH,poison residuals in our food and water-AH,electrical power bureaucratically denied in cold,poor inspection of gas infrastructure,both liquid and gaseous creating life threatening emergencies,storm ravaged areas denied supplies due to bureaucracy,use of fetal tissue,massive abortions.Wait for what?The frog 🐸 is boiling.

If you are posting on here and thinking you are doing your part.If you are not physically protesting.Hanging fliers.Openly accusing.Loudly boycotting.Etc.YOU are the most dangerous enemy of America

Just a thought.How many people around the country have noticed their local airports being lengthened and widened.Over the last 4 years?

We unvaxed should should wear a red arm band to show the sheep how many we are.Plus this puts the onus on the vaxed to stay away from us,not vice versa.Businesses will be aware of their potential customer losses as well.

Just theory.Given the enormity of world wide economic control by the cabal.It only makes sense that changes would be averaged within a given populations productivity.We see pesticides,herbicides in our food,chlorine in our water.Who knows what in our meds.It seems to me that all these life shortening"things" are calculated to end a person's life before they become a financial cost.Anyone aware of any studies along this line of thinking?