123456whatevs 1 point ago +1 / -0

And that's why all of these manufacturers have tens of labels for any possible future lawsuit they might have.

123456whatevs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nothing wrong with criticizing anyone for anything. We are not a cult after all.

This whole Israeli circle jerk is getting on my nerves as well.

123456whatevs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah, safety labels are to protect company from lawsuits.

There is always that one idiot that puts the hand in the blender and then sues the manufacturer because there was no warning or safety labels.

123456whatevs 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's time for this country to stop fucking around and declare English as the National Language and Christianity as the National Religion.

All religions that have an open conflict with Christianity are to be deported ASAP.

123456whatevs 1 point ago +1 / -0

All good points, however there are a couple of misconceptions which I'm going to address:

Soviet Socialism moderated after Stalin, but Khrushchev was stymied by a conservative Soviet establishment after he tried to introduce free market enterprise for some industries, and it worked. But he was kicked out due to political back stabbing.

To the opposite actually. Khruschev eliminated the only free market establishment they had: the self employed class. Believe it or not, but Soviet citizens were allowed to sell goods they produced as long as they were the sole source of the labor involved in it's production. Hiring other people was viewed as exploitation. So as long as your worked the land or manned the tools yourself, you could sell the fruits of your labor at the local farmers market. Stalin knew that these people played a key role in the Soviet economy and never touched this.

Khruschev argued that the self employed class is the thing that is stopping the implementation of communism. Modern Russian historians attribute this decision with the begin of the shortages that will soon start to plague the entire country.

I also am not sure were the notion that Kruschev wanted to introduce free market entreprise comes from as this is one of his accusations thrown at Beria(before he was executed). Khruschev also prommissed that the USSR would be fully communist by 1980 which would be against what you stated.

It is unfortunate the 1st Bush administration didn't help Gorbachev so he could reform the USSR into a market economy.

Bush was a globalist puppet. Our country has been under occupation since the inception of the FED. The notion that we were trying to help them is cold war propaganda.

In reality, USSR thanks to Stalin maintained it's independence from the globalist central banking cabal. The whole "we are bringing democracy and freedom to the Russian people" was the first test run of the color revolution.

What you need to understand is Gorbachev was the culmination of a decades old intelligence operation against the Soviet apparatus the goal of which was to bribe them and convince them to "loosen" the tight control they had in order for the CIA to insert their operatives.

It started under Khruschev and specifically the Rockefeller visit to Moscow back in 1964. https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1964-68v14/d40

Under Brezhnev they kind of stifled the infiltration for a bit, until he got old and senile like Biden. Then his entourage took over. That entourage became extremely wealthy through illegally accumulating state property while their leader was in la la land.

However they had a problem. The Soviet system didn't allow you to own obscene amounts of wealth. After your term expired in the Soviet assembly, you had to surrender everything you owned and go back to living in a commie block.

That didn't sit well with a lot of aspiring oligarchs. This is why the next 4 Soviet party leaders would live a grand total of 3 years. All of them being patriots and all of them dying under mysterious circumstances. I believe 2 of them died of heart attacks.

The Soviet deep state then elected Gorbachev and under the guise of "free market reforms".In order to accelerate that, he enacted Perestroika.

Under the guise of free speech reform, Gorbachev installed social justice warriors and far left liberals who did what all of them do: attack your country. Hoaxes were made up about how Soviet soldiers murdered 1 million Afghan citizens in the Afghan war.

The other thing they did was enact a famine akin to the one they were trying to do other here. Remember those oligarchs that were now in charge of the state owned factories? Guess what they did? Kill off chickens and dispose of their bodies, hide railway carts worth of food, etc. I watched a Soviet documentary in 1988 which filmed everything I just outlined. It was wild to see that while the average Soviet citizen was waiting in line for a loaf of bread, the oligarchs were destroying 1000's of tons of food to create said shortages.

Here is a CIA report from 1983 about their food supply. It is comparable to the American one calorie wise, though they did eat less meat overall. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP85M00363R000601440024-5.pdf

And somehow in 3 years, these people are going to starve.

I can go on and on about this since I was born and raised in the USSR. Up until 5 years ago I would've agreed 100% with everything you listed.

However when Q popped up and I started questioning everything I knew, one of the inevitable things I started to question were the beliefs about USSR.

And the conclusion I came to was that the USSR, just like the Russian Empire before it was never our enemy. The USSR however was the enemy of the deep state as it was the last major nation on Earth that they had no control over. Think of it as a giant Eastern European Libya if you will.

It is not a coincidence that Bush and all of the other political puppets started talking about the New World Order in the wake of the destruction of the USSR, in the early 1990's as that was their victory speech. That's why the cabal was so certain that they've won as they never anticipated that their main threat would be internal.

And before I go, I'd like to leave you with a little tidbit:

Did you know that USAID helped write the modern day Russian Constitution that was adopted under Yeltsin? The more you know

The USAID-funded lawyers also contributed to the development of the draft


123456whatevs 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nevada is going to go through a boom. In 2021, Nevada produced 4,502,365 troy ounces of gold, which was 74% of the US gold production.

And here I am thinking of moving out of here.

123456whatevs 11 points ago +12 / -1

Ironically even the bolsheviks wanted to be our allies post WW2. They even tried to join NATO in 1954 and of course they got declined.

What most people don't seem to understand is that USSR went from dramatic shift from Lenin to Stalin. Under Lenin it was a leftist utopia filed rife with LGBTQ parades and transexual surgeries. It surprises a lot of people when they learn that prior to Weimar Germany, USSR and Moscow were the gay nest of the world.

Under Stalin the USSR shifted into a conservative socialist state with family values first. So much so that all LGBTQ affiliated people were Gulaged and there was no state recognition of gays as individuals. Under Stalin, Christianity was decriminalized. You were allowed to practice it in private, however public preaching would be classified as a misdemeanor. This was in stark contrast with Lenin's policies which made Christianity a felony regarding of where you practiced it.

However the biggest thing nobody talks about is that Stalin cleaned house in the USSR of the Khazarians. Remember that stat about 97% of the revolutionary apartchiki being jews? Guess who the purges targeted primarily? After Stalin's death, the number of jews in the Soviet aparatus was reduced to a mere 2%.

So much so that USSR minted their own money and had a golden standard to back it up as well. Stalin also opposed and refused to sign the Breton Woods accord, which would've handed over the control over their currency to the federal reserve and the khazarian tribe.

It's a very interesting dive. Also if you look at who sponsored the destruction of the USSR, you will see these 2 agencies that worked overtime under Reagan: National Democracy of Endowment and USAID. So much so, that these 2 organizations ran Russia into the ground. In a mere 15 years they turned the USSR from a super power into a country that was closer to Zimbabwe. Until Putin came.

And the crazy part is that they were doing the same thing here in the US(remember their 16 year plan?), until Trump came and stoped them.

123456whatevs 2 points ago +2 / -0

ke people who believe in God for example, not pure greedy selfish bastards who just want to take, take, take, and never give back or care for their fellow man/woman

The problem is that positions of power are always magnetic to sociopaths, psychopaths, and all the paths that you can think of. Centralization of power will always attract these people first. That's why men of God are the exception in any government.

What we're not being told is that it's not power that corrupts, but CENTRALIZATION of power. We are always warned about the centralization of political power.

And yet, not a single conservative will utter a peep about the CENTRALIZATION of ECONOMIC power. The Founding Fathers warned us to be weary of that. They warned as against big banks.

What nobody seems to talk about is that the Revolutionary War wasn't just fought against the Crown, but also the Corporations. Look it up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_colony


And yet nobody talks about the fact that our Founding Fathers fought not only against political opression, but also economic. Makes you wonder why?

Pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with a group of people that wear small hats, impose usury and use corporations to devastate our way of life.

123456whatevs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Capitalism is the best system which still has lifted thousands out of poverty across the decades.

I always wonder if this is just propaganda that we've been fed along the way. Similar to how vaccines supposedly cured us, when in reality it was sanitation and anti-germ measures like soap and running water that basically eradicated 99% of the diseases that plagued our society for millenia.

Similar to capitalism lifting people out of poverty, when in reality it was the technological progress that did that. Manufacturing, chemistry and a host of tech breakthroughs changed our society completely, even before the free market economy was being implemented.

We've survived as humans without the free market economy for centuries. We've only started implementing it around the 17th and 18th century which also happens to be the time that the industrial revolution was happening.

So jury is still out if it works or not.

123456whatevs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. Bigger fish to fry.

One of these agencies will make you wear a yellow vest for 8 hours a day, the other will imprison you for a decade if you didn't pay your taxes or you have a "illegal" gun.

123456whatevs 2 points ago +2 / -0

People die all the time anyway. The question is, do we really live? We can’t just keep legislating all these safety nets. It erodes personal responsibility. Right now, we are all being punished because some people won’t take personal responsibility. That is basically a core fundamental of communism, total control of everyone.

I'm not going to argue back and forth. I just want to ask you what is the purpose of the constitution at this point. Might as well abolish it and go back to living in the pre-Hammurabi times.

At the end of the day all modern day societies without exception have laws vs liberties and it's a constant dance between the 2 of them. Even the founding father's knew this and that's why they warned us that down the line the govt will get big.

My argument is that 95% of the laws are there to fuel the bureaucratic state and give corporations and unfair advantage. 5% are actual laws that provide basic protections for the average American worker.

The point is that the Constitution does provide the average American with the bill of rights. By your logic, we should disband the bill and abolish the constitution because it is a safety net and tyranny is the norm in human history, so who cares?

123456whatevs 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not for a bloated government, to the contrary. I'm all for having the legislation in place that in case people get wronged, they can use said legislation to sue the entitites that harmed their rights.

123456whatevs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let the passengers and the companies themselves decide what level of risk they are comfortable with.

I'm sorry, but that is the stupidest take I've read on here yet. According to your logic: people should lose their lives because the airline need to make a couple of extra bucks by cutting corners.

You make communists sound humane by comparison. There is a reason I said that libertarianism is the righ wing equivalent of communism.

Teddy Roosevelt was a "progressive". Yeah, he helped in some ways, but he also did a lot of damage. He was in favor of things like "national health insurance", a progressive income tax, an inheritance tax, and social welfare programs (unemployment insurance, old age pensions).

The context was that back in those days people worked 12 hour shifts for 6 days a week. They had no rights whatsoever and work place injuries were at an all time high. A lot of them couldn't get any jobs because of the said loss of body parts or injuries. Clearly by your logic, Americans back in the day where some dumb fuck retards because they kept losing their limbs and dying on their job sites in droves.

Roosevelt's policies were designed to help the American worker, and curb the influence of the corporate elite which btw is the reason our country is going to shit, and not federal govt.

The corporate elite uses the federal govt to push their regulations onto us. And yet somehow they get a free pass from you because they are part of the "free market economy"

The constitution doesn't mention anything about labor regulations, so yes, the founding fathers did want to leave it up to us to figure out. We can still codify standards, but their adoption should be voluntary so that there is competition among the standards. That way the most efficient, and profitable standards will rise to the top.

Tbf, they didn't codify a lot of things. That's why the left us the option of doing it ourselves via amendments. Labor laws aren't unconstitutional because they don't contradict an individual's rights, unlike income tax for example. So your opposition to them is just baffling to me.

Do you know what all those countries you mentioned have in common? They’re losers.

Retarded take as we are literally trying to emulate their policies here. They have healthier food, better healthcare, cheaper and better education, they are less stressed, etc.

I've talked to plenty of Americans that were deployed or lived in these countries and they only have 1 thing to say: "We've been cheated". Not only do they tell me how much different things are there, but you can see that they are very different after they come back. That short stint overseas changes them as humans. Calling these countries losers just speaks of your ignorance considering our own founding fathers spent a lot of time in them and had only good things to say about them(i.e. France for example).

There is one part of the argument that you've skirted over that I want to address: "Americans can pick the best option because free market economy"

Looking at the evidence you are 100% wrong and I can say that based on a simple litmus test: the food supply.

According to your logic, if we deal away with regulations, the market will fix itself. The US has the least regulated food in the world. The result?

Our food is just outright poison. Per your own logic Americans should've done some research and moved away from it. The reality however is different, very different.

Americans are the sickest nation in the western world. We have some of the highest obesity rates as well as the highest chronic conditions of any nation on the planet. According to you, that should've been impossible because the people would've stopped doing it. However as we can see, our nation's health has been steadily declining since the 1960's.

123456whatevs 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason people donated to Kyle is because he became a high profile personality. For every Kyle, there are 1000's of no name people who have their rights trampled daily and have little to no resources to fight it.

123456whatevs 3 points ago +3 / -0

The "Free Market fixes everything if implemented right" trope is the right's version of "communism wasn't implemented properly" trope the left uses.

The free market can work only if regulated properly which is against the antithesis of the most libertarians. The only way it can function is by having a healthy division between small, medium and large businesses. Take the airline industry as an example: you have the FAA needing to approve any merger. Recently they declined the merger of Spirit and Blue Jet because it would make them too big to compete against. As a result, the Airline industry is one of the most competitive and you can see the free market in action.

Historically speaking, the free market was never able "to balance" itself, because it's not a river. It's dealing with humans who have brains and know how to game the system. Which normally leads to concentration of power and eventually "lobbying" the govt to create more laws against their competitors.

Last time we let the market fix itself, we got wonderful people like Rockefeller, Rothchilds and co monopolize our economy. It took a certain Teddy "Bull Moose" Roosevelt(The Trump of his time) to break up the said monopolies and restore some balance to our economy.

I geniunely don't understand the notion that a codified document of your rights is somehow harmful. You should tell that to our founding fathers who wrote the constitution. They understood human nature. And yet somehow the same human nature doesn't apply in business. I don't get that.

Imagine if the founding fathers where like: People can figure out for themselves which government they want. If they want communism, well they're not stupid, they can pick it because freedom. Do you see how ridicoulos this sounds?

I will also leave this here: only shithole countries don't have any labor laws. Any country worth it's salt has very good labor laws. You know all the based countries that eveyone likes to worship here? They all have labor laws: Japan, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden(pre-mass migration), Russia, etc. Some of them even have constitutional ammendaments that give their workers right to paid leave something this country could learn.

123456whatevs 2 points ago +2 / -0

You clearly have never been to court with someone who has 100x your resources. They will burry you under legal fees so you never reach the court phase.

That's what the federal govt has been doing for decade to small biz.

123456whatevs 35 points ago +35 / -0

Finally RFK has taken the gloves off and is not playing with these clowns.

Nothing more glorious to see than Mr. Fight the corporations power to the people, Bernie Sanders squirm like a worm when being called out as a pharma shill.

RFK needs to pull up a list of all of these recepients, and before he starts answering questions, he needs to inform the public as to how much money every single senator gets from the pharma cunts.

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