If you watch for example CNN International you would think it’s the US is a perfect country with no issues.
Depending on the President. If Biden, then yes, If Trump, than we are worse than a medieval shithole.
Rand Paul is usually a good bet. Though, he'd probably be more up the waste and fraud alley.
Now imagine that the Russians did the biggest warcrime in the Khazarian history... they Christinized the local population.
There is a reason why Britain that was infiltrated by the Khazarian descendents is so hell bent on destroying Russia for centuries now.
Because they Russians did the biggest no no to a Satanist. Convert them to Christ.
Once you understand this simple thing, you will understand why the West has been so hell bent on destroying Russia for centuries now.
I like Trump, but this has been a lot of the "just two weeks to flatten the curve" BS...
Have an updoot. Made me kek
But realistically I think the main reason for lack of arrests is because both sides are gearing up for battle.
Once the first major arrest happens, the whole country will turn into a shitshow for a while.
As we've seen with the ICE raids leakers, our govt is infiltrated by traitors who share info with them.
So stage 1 is to clear out the govt. from them. Otherwise you won't get too far.
Stage 2 is clear out the corrupt judges that will just release them.
So unless we complete the first 2 steps, even if you arrest the governors right now, they will have the Trump effect aka democratic boost before the midterm.
That's what I was thinking. Hard to play the "he goes after political opponents" card, when he arrests his own people.
This is way bigger than people imagine.
Ukraine was using US real time satilite data to keep track of the entire Russian army movements.
This is why their offensives are so lethal compared to Russian ones, is because they have data about the areas of the front that are the weakest. This is also the reason they resist so well. Is because they know about the Russian build up and can dispatch forces to the apropriate front line.
In reality, the whole Ukranian war was the US deep state vs Russia.
Trump stoping them will accelerate Ukraine's downfall. Because now they can only use drones for recon. However they won't be able to tell where the Russian build up is in the rear.
I imagine in the next 3-6 months, if the war isn't over, Russia might accelerate it's gains... dramatically.
Believe me, you don't.
I lived in the USSR and I can tell you that most Ukranians have as similar mindset to illegals. They want more govt, they want the govt to provide for them and they are supper entitled. Their entire 30 years of independence was marked by gibs me more EU, gibs me more Russia and gibs me more US.
There is a reason why they haven't modernized anything that the Soivets(Russians) left them. While Russia modernized it's infrastructure and military equipment, 99% of Ukraine are leftovers from the USSR that were falling apart.
If you want any slavs that aren't Russian, get Bielorrussians. Super based, super hard working and their women are by far the most traditional out of any slavs that I met.
They can't be erradicated unless it's war. The civilian courts will drag their feet.
It literally takes 20+ years to sentence someone to death. Now imagine trying to weed things out.
At this point Ukraine needs to be partioned between Russia, Poland, Romania, Moldova and Belarus. Let all these countries get their historic lands back.
What's left if it needs to be named Galicia and let it do whatever it wants.
How many coincidences until it becomes mathematically impossible.
My guess is either time travel or quantum computing(which is technically time travel as well)
Someone should tell China, that the last communist country that decided to take on the US in a cold war ceased to exist.
Not sure what the problem is.
I don't see any fact checking in this article, but rather adding context.
If anything, it makes Trump's points look even better.
Edit: I take that back. After reading past the half way line, all of it is leftist propaganda.
Sure thing.
Let's shut down Stalink, stop sharing satelite data of Russian troop movements and recall all our assets that train the Ukranian military.
Let's see how long they last after this.
Draft before Nukes.
Draft all of these leftists and send them as regular conscript infantry to the front lines. Ukraine needs more meet in the trenches to absorb Russian shells anyway.
Boomers aside, every Gen X. and Millenial are always fascinated with Russia.
While the boomers grew up with the Cuban crisis and the Iron Curtain. Most of the Gen X. people know Russians through youtube dashcams and crazy stunts they do.
Even with the current war, people still have a very positive opinion of Russia.
Believe it or not, as a foreign entity you would get more govt. protection than the local business. The only time they seized foreign assets was in 2022 as a retaliation to the west doing the same.
Most likely these are Ukranians that became US citizens and chose to retire there.
I know quiet a few people who did that in Ukraine, Russia, Philipines, Romania, etc
It's funny how many people on this board still believe that the Nazis were the good guys, despite overwhelming evidence of them being supported by the cabal before, during and after the war.
Their recruitment crisis is even worse than our was.
This picture may prove more real than we think it is.
I know you can buy human grade DMSO in Europe, but here it's a bit more complicated.
I didn't know you can use it for that. I used it primarily for heavy metal detox.
I wonder if the 2 are related.
Well, this is a right leaning board. By modern standards our Founding Fathers would be far right extremists. The current political spectrum has shifted so much left, that everything that's not modern is automatically right leaning. Saying this is a right leaning board, doesn't mean it's a hivemind where all the other opinions are discarded.
As for your do better comment, this isn't reddit. There are plenty of shills, feds and just smooth brain people designed to create chaos on this website. I personally don't subscribe to this "be kind be better" bullshit, especially when we have shills roaming this website.
While I might sound vaccinated, you do sound like you've been vaccinated and boosted for years now. Just kidding, all in good fun.
Name checks out.
Thank you for what you do anon. While we do have some smooth brain idiots like op on this board(I mean who thought picking alphaliberal on a right leaning board is good idea), most of us do appreciate the job that you do.
Me and my wife watch body cam videos all the time on youtube. After watching hundreds of them, I recall 4 or 5 where I though the cops did some shady stuff. Rest of them I always saw how they always risked their lives to save a stranger, which prior would sometimes call them a pig. Nothing but respect on my part.
Does he? Is that why everyone on here why shitting bricks during the confirmation of Patel and RFK Jr.?
Does he really control the judiciary branch? Did you miss the memo about ACB siding with the democrats last night?
The point is that starting a war while your ranks are filled with traitors is pointless. We have deep state employees in the federal govt running everything from the shadows.
Even if you arrest them this whole clown show will drag on for years until it reaches SCOTUS and even then thanks to ACB and Roberts the decision might not go our way.
But I digress. It's one step at a time. Or do you think for a second that the people who shot and injured POTUS are just going to get away scott free?
Remember, we still have the invisible enemy that we're doing tango with. Pretty sure once Trump starts going after their assets, a violent insurrection will occur.
Just my 2 cents.