these people are stupid
What similarities?
I personally think white hats are giving Simon disinfo and he is unaware that he's being used to throw the deep state off
Jesus is our example and Lin is doing his best to follow Jesus's guidance.
He's a very gifted speaker
Maybe they're giving the redeemable Biden voters a chance to see how crooked, incompetent and full of shit politicians really are..
The purpose wasn't to watch him fail, that is just a side benefit. The purpose was to avoid a civil war. The truth needs to come from a source not tied to Trump in order for normies to be willing to accept it. The truth is going to come out and this will be fixed. Knowing this fact is what makes it grade A hopium.
My take is that the NWO cabal wanted Trump to arrest everybody before/during the inauguration in order to start a civil war. Trump is playing chess, and sometimes you have to willingly sacrifice one of your pieces to win. Trump stepping away for a while and allowing the evidence to come to light, while he is enjoying a vacation, will be a lot more palatable for the normies.
I gave up hope until I read your comment. Now I have more hope than ever. Thank you
If Ezra was Q, do you think he would tell politico the truth or would he try to distance himself from the movement?
Here I got the link from someone else at 53:00
I can't remember which fireside chat he said it on and there are 8 episodes that are about an hour long. Here is a link to the one I would guess he said it on.
He confirmed this account in one of his fireside chats
We're predisposed to believe communism is bad and the libs (you) are too stupid to realize that your life philosophy leads to econimc destruction. Youre also too stupid to think for yourself and just lapped up whatever your professors and fakes news hosts spoon fed you.
Youre also too stupid to realize that 150k a year is worth bragging about. Some people make that kind if money in a week. I'm not quite there yet, but that's roughly my quarterly earnings as of last year.
Imagine bragging aboit making 150k a year. I mean that's a nice living, but it's middle class. Definitely not something to brag about lol
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I was talking about Tesla falling in love with a pigeon in order to emphasize your point. And as far as Simon goes, this is the way I see it:
He's a complete psychopath who easily lies through his teeth in order to give false hope to desperate people.
He's completely delusional and in need of psychiatric care.
He's honest but being fed disinformation for the purpose of messing with his audience
He is telling the truth and has high-level sources.
In my opinion, he seems genuine and truthful and I'm hoping he isn't a disinformation agent
He also fell in love with a pigeon
I have a feeling its going to be much more than that. We'll see
I wish I took one. This was before they started banning everybody and I didn't think to take one.
It was a John F Kennedy account on twitter. That account was banned soon afterwards
This one is definitely him. He confirmed this account in a recent interview
Youre just trying to make yourself feel better about your own atheism
How do you know its her account?
Because there is evidence he adopted his children through Epstein and probably a lot of other Eptsein related crimes