1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah a guy got his hands on a Apollo landing computer from a scrap yard that got into the public space some how and was able to get it up and running because all of the documentation is out there. They spent tons of resources on designing it , you can find these documents. The guy made youtube videos showing it and how it works. Magnetic ram , things that were crazy tech for the 60s . You wouldn't go to this kind of work to fake something. No way ! I'm 100% that we went there and we all enjoy tech such as personal computers because of the space program. If we didn't goto the moon I'm not sure anyone would have a computer in there pocket now. I was a huge shot in the arm to technology!

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think where they have the spacestation docked could have something to do with it possibly. The gas pressure is a measure for the density of thermal energy in the gas, and the gas pressure is very small in the thermosphere, because the thermosphere is almost a vacuum. Also the hole i Believe was caused by a micro meteor and the psi would have also been lower on a pin hole. Believe it or not where we spend most of our time in space doing stuff there is still atmosphere it's just very thin . We spend a lot of time in low earth orbit and that's not quite the same as the rest of space.

1776Mogul 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've seen so many people saying stuff like this . My biggest argument is if we were gonna fake the moon landing, would you make all the tech. To actually do it. If you were faking it you would use props not design a computers and a bunch of tech. Not to mention there are moon satellite photos and you can see the tracks from the rover. Also the big bike reflector they placed on the moon so when we bounce light at it we can measure the distance from the moon to earth. Even in more recent times Russia stole our plans to the space shuttle ,would you steal plans for something that might just be a prop? All these claims people make have little to no understanding of this topic .

1776Mogul 0 points ago +1 / -1
            _  _
       ( \ \ '--' / / )
        \ \ / ,. \ / /
         ) '| || |' ( mrf

OoO'- OoO''OoO -'OoO

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

So one thing I pose for thought on your theory is all the sports people dying likely don't have a cell phone on them when playing.

1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

Her husband crushes hotdogs everyday in S.F. !

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

You missed us already talking about it above , the movie was arrival. But see something is wrong with this picture right

1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suppose this could be a possibility. A condition in adults in which bones become soft and deformed because they don't have enough calcium and phosphorus. It is usually caused by not having enough vitamin D in the diet, not getting enough sunlight, or a problem with the way the body uses vitamin D. https://www.cancer.gov › def › adul... Definition of adult rickets - NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms Seems maybe weird for a 1st nation though.. Idk!

1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

True! But I was wondering if there was any good reason for knees like that because it sort of reminds me of goat legs , wondering if this could have been intentional mutilation for ritualistic reasons. Not saying it is bit it looks very non normal

1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well it appears to me to be a 3 phase motor running @ 1,776 volts alternating current and ms1 I believe is motor switch or magnetic switch 1 that then triggers a 24 volt direct current relay to possibly reverse the motor. But they are right no stopping for sure!

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

I totally agree, but this is what passes as art/music these days, kinda crazy....

1776Mogul 2 points ago +3 / -1

Today , 11/11, is the 1111th day since Q’s first post.

Tomorrow is the day the Qclock runs out, among other markers.

Just so happens that 11.11.20 also lines up with 10.28.17, the date of the first drop.

Also, note that 4.10.20 (DJT) and 11.22 fall on the same line.

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone on posted the other day masonic book page images from Google books the and then it made me think of Nixon after thinking about the image .

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could 24:46 be the length of the video?

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