this is what I'm getting
Braile number 17
I guess it might have to be at a time where it wouldn't fit otherwise. a situation were it's out of place , the 17 has some motion and more going on with the sign. at least if we know the signs it would stick out to us , otherwise we probably wouldn't even notice
here is the number 17 in sign language
sorry about the hard to see image heres a better one
Check out wax audio on YouTube they do some cool mash ups metallica&Stevie wonder
I think some areas have shared home school where a group of parents each take a day with a few kids so all the kids get more of a school setting and get the social setting as well , plus you can still have a job and teach you kids. So if you could find some other like minded parents It might be something that could work for you . I know most people can't just not goto work but could manage one less day of work.
Well its stated Charlie ward was said to have confirmed this so with that being said I wouldn't put to much credibility into this. Don't get me wrong I would be great if this was true , but charlie ward seems to be a bs artist political cartoons go back to the middle ages , that's how effective they are . It's a quick way to share an idea . the 2 seconds it took for someone to look at it is not hurting us. here is the story behind it