A little back story, about a year ago my uncle had to have surgery for a stroke in his back. His aorta tore and was bleeding into his spine. They put 2 splints in his aorta and did physical therapy. I did find out from my mother that he was vaccinated for a vacation he went on with his girlfriend. They have been struggling for this entire year with an infection. He is currently back in the hospital from coughing up blood and they are saying his aorta is starting fuse to his esophagus. They tell him him they are baffled and don't know how to get rid of the infection. They tell him he has only 2 years to live if they can't figure it out. I'm totally against Pharamakeia and my mom is with me. She said her brother would probably listen if she told him about ivermectin. Just curious if anyone knows about if that could be helpful for him or if there is any good information someone could point me to that I can share with him? Thank you!🙏
Just praying for President Trump, reading the word this morning and came across this 🙏
🏆 - GOD WINS - 🏆
Just saw Enthéos ReTruth this. Looking glass, it's time Mr. President and C.R.E.A.M
Just saw Trump post this on Truth Social. Benny Johnson asked if Trump's VP pick is on the stage
I saw this post on TS about warp speed, DJT retruthed it and DJT Jr liked it
I've been reading too many comms posts 😆😆 I see this and automatically think 📈🚀💥
Interesting thread from +++ talks about the number Gregg posted then deleted.
I saw this a few days ago at my work 🙏 gives me some hope for the future of the company.
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