There was one I got 10 minutes ago saying “Error 505 couldn’t launch website.”
My keyboard: I have an apple so normally at night it goes into dark mode but when I’m on this website it’s light grey and the backspace, return button, emojis, and 123 are all light blue. I don’t have any keyboard apps or anything. I also don’t have automatic anything on for settings so it couldn’t be an update or download.
So this might have to do with Anonymous and the countdown but, since I clicked on it the first time I’ve noticed errors popping up on the greatawkening website. Randomly. I also have noticed the keyboard for my phone changes whenever I’m on this website but once I’m out of it my keyboard goes back to the same. Anyone else experiencing this or something of the sort?!
I meant as far as updates or downloads. Ok, I will try that. Thanks for your advice and help :) I appreciate it!