At this point, the only thing that I can see waking people up is a massive terrorist attack in all 50 states. The economy is fake AF, so I can't see it collapsing before the election. If they can fake it like they are, they can certainly fake it for another 96 days. They won't get away with another virus scam, so that can't be the precipice. I'm tired. I can't afford anything and I'm better off than most just by getting by. I'm isolated from friends and family over politics. I have had my job threatened over the vax. I have friends and family who have become poisoned, injured, and even killed from VAX but don't see the correlation. I feel trapped at home and work with no real ability to enjoy life and that's no way to live. My most successful peers are struggling for work, and most are under employed. Few are having kids. I'm worried for my kids future. I know many in our country are demoralized and don't see a future for themselves either.
IMO, we either need a big symbolic victory that revitalizes us, or a major catastrophe that unites us. Either way we need a big happening soon. Good, bad, I dont care at this point but it needs to happen soon. I don't see how this "plan" carries for four more years. If we loose, I think MAGA will demoralize. It's either precipice right fuckin now or bust. I'm there. I can sense others are there. What am I missing? I'm trying to be optimistic, but I've been ground down and it's hard to keep going.
Just saying...... This might be a wag the frog to rally the troops. Glad DJT is ok if I'm wrong :p
Kurt Schlicter (retired Army Colonel and partnered lawyer) was inspired to story board, write, publish, and release "The Attack" just three months after October 7. Kurt had close ties to Andrew Breitbart and claims to have written the book based on Intel and "authenticity" checks from those in the Intel community. The book lays out a widespread but incredibly feasible plan to kill lots of Americans and destroy our morale using small teams of men who don't know about each other, have no need to coordinate or communicate (thus can't be tracked), and will carry out their attack at a designated time. The attacks occur over three days (Aug 27-29). Day 1 is attacks on public places making people retreat into their homes. Day 2 is attacking and mass murdering people in their homes so that Americans don't feel safe anywhere and panic. Day 3 is attacks on critical infrastructure to cause lasting damage and affect our ability to wage war. The book release seems a little too convenient to pass muster with me and I think it's worth discussing.
Again, I hope this doesn't happen but this book seems too conveniently timed and detailed to be coincidence. Even, without taking the book into conversation, I can't escape the feeling that something is going to happen. Our enemies may sense that our governments perceived weakness may end with a trump presidency, so striking now is ideal and there is only limited time to strike. Also, 9/11 is around the corner.
We've all seen the "solar storm" and "cyber attack" narratives being pushed for years. We know they did a nuclear PSA in NY. Well, this film puts it all together.
The overarching plot is about a power/comms/Internet/gps outage as a cover for the elites to tear down America from within under the guise of war, where our society was infiltrated from within and their soldiers are prepositioned before the attack. The prepositioned attackers give the illusion of civil war, and propaganda is spread to blame all of America's enemies, but a "global evil shadow cabal is responsible". The elites are given a heads up so they can leave, while we deal with the chaos. The movie is extremely, extremely slow but follows the plot we've been piecing together about their plans for the USA over the last 3yrs. This film should be seen by anons for discussion. It's certainly a predictive programming film.
Im ride or die with a LOT invested. Ouch this is tough to sit through and nobody is talking about it. I dont get how META and TWTR have been basically flat for months but DWAC is getting pounded like Paris Hilton in a night club. My only guess is rigging.....
Just saw an msm story claiming DWAC failed to get enough votes to delay merger and that shares liquidate Thursday. Is that right? Seems not enough people voted.
They might actually be reporting to the real sec def. I seem to recall either a q post or an executive order (pretty sure it was an executive order, but I'm sure you'll correct me) that stated civilian spec ops assets report directly to sec def and not to the three letter agencies or military chain of command. In other words, the private flights to kabul are only pretending to be private. I know retired operators, the best of them are quite humble and make good mentors but they tend to be highly individualistic after service. Think about it, somehow they just knew to group together, who to group together with, who to acquire transport from, log travel plans, and found a yet unnamed person to pay for said logistics (aint cheap) in the course of a few days and somehow didn't let it slip that they were doing it or get discovered/infiltrated by the feds?
Just watched the "Loose change" 9/11 documentary and am 100% convinced that it was an inside job. Just curious what Q said about it?
I can't find it. Anyone know which one it is?