We may still have enemies but they likely won’t be enemies due to our actions. If we did have someone stupid enough to try to come attack us, we could still deal with it. Multiple private defense firms could surely still cooperate and coordinate with each other on a large scale just like our current different branches of military can, and just like our 18 intelligence agencies, and just like all the NATO allied countries could in a war.
Central leadership is the problem. Monopolized military makes it easier for enemy infiltrators to control it.
And do you seriously think the government is better at organization than free market innovation would be?
There aren’t many instances in history where they intentionally imposed a true free market. There was a region of Ireland that did successfully for 400 years though. Other societies always end up replacing their failed government with a new form of it.
The Free Market would not be “unchecked”. It is inherently self-regulating, because people have an interest in spending their hard earned money only on the providers that are confirmed to provide the best value/quality, etc. Compare that to a forced monopoly that has the illusion of regulations, which are merely laws written by the highest bidders to favor their chosen companies technologies or industries as the winners.
I agree that Q team will win. I just don’t trust that their solutions will be good enough to prevent an evil deep state from rising again.
When you have a cancerous tumor, you remove the whole thing or else it grows back. You don’t just remove 90% of it.
Corporations are a government entity, which grants rights to an unaccountable fictitious person. They would not exist in a free market. There would simply be property rights, and a business owner is simply a property owner. That owner will be accountable.
Leftists certainly don’t want anyone to believe that freedom is worthwhile. If people can’t be trusted with freedom, then why the hell would any rational thinking person believe we can trust them with power?
It most definitely can work in a post ICBM world. For one, with no globalist cabal ruling our monopoly power, we won’t be making enemies with others or initiating wars of aggression against them anymore.
The free market would be fully capable of building weapons to defend against nuclear weapons.
The space industry is already dominated by the private sector with SpaceX. They could dominate the space military too.
“Reiterating” to the Globalist Cabal that we don’t want to be ruled by them hasn’t and will not work. They don’t care.
We’d still have national defense. There would be multiple privatized firms providing it, and would be funded by subscribers of those firms who purchase their insurance policies for protection and for dispute resolution.
No more unjust wars that we are forced to pay for with our stolen money. No more deep state making enemies for their own globalist agenda and profit, because we could all unsubscribe from rogue companies and let them whither away.
You reject the Free Market because it MIGHT become what we have today? No, in a free market, there won’t be laws rigged to favor one company or industry or technology over another. If a monopoly formed on a service in the Free Market, it would be because its service was such high quality, it was warranted. But the right for competitors to be created (a new Parler or Gab) would always be there.
A free market would still have rules. The word “anarchy” literally means “without rulers”. It does not mean without rules, and does not mean “chaos”, as your government indoctrination would say. There will always be societal rules, and there would be contracts in a free market.
The natural entropy thing is a lie. That cycle is directly caused by the error of government.
Most people reactively would reject this idea because they haven’t spent the time to critically think about how it would work. It would work though, if you think about it. People wrongly believe that certain essential services wouldn’t exist without a forced government socialized monopoly, or that it’s at least more efficient or better as a government socialized service. You’re wrong, and there’s simple explanations as to why.
No amount of communism/socialism is good, especially for our most critical services such as policing/security/justice that “conservatives” support, and certainly not for education, housing, healthcare, and food, as the worse leftists support.
Q is most definitely a psyop (look up the definition of the word). The question is whether it’s a psyop for good or evil.
Your reply doesn’t refute the possibility that he was trying to enlarge that conspiracy theory minority into a massive movement, large enough to finally start the civil war they’ve been wanting. Problem with that hypothetical plan is that our side would win that war. That’s part of why I don’t doubt Q’s intentions.
Why has this stupid shill not been banned from the site yet? Look at his history.
Yes, of course the deep state knows. They’ve been at war with Q’s side for the last 4 years. There have been many military operations that the public obviously doesn’t know about. They know the arrests are coming, which is why they’ve been panicking and fighting to stop Trump at all costs.
I touched on this in other replies already, and this has already been thought out extensively by people like me and many a lot smarter than me who wrote books on it.
Anywhere there’s a demand for a service (such as security) the market will provide it, the people who demand it will voluntarily pay for it. It would likely be structured like this:
There would be large competing businesses called Dispute Resolution Organizations (DRO’s), which would sell insurance policies and security to their subscribers against various disputes such as civil lawsuit defense, car wrecks, theft, assault, and attack from foreign nations, etc. In their interest to prevent you or your property from being harmed, and them having to pay out on your claim, they’d provide security forces to prevent it as much as possible.
It would basically be like multiple competing mini-governments overlapping each other, and when a dispute arises between subscribers from 2 different DRO’s, they would hire a reputable 3rd party arbitration firm to settle it.
If a foreign country attacks, then obviously all the DRO’s would organize together to defend us, just like our current multiple branches of military and foreign allies would band together.
Also, good luck finding a foreign country willing to buy off the entire military of our nation, and having enough real money to do it in the first place. Wouldn’t seem like a good investment on their part. But it’s a lot harder for them to buy off dozens of firms than to buy control of one monopoly.