7spade 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes I am aware of this and I'm familiar that none of them are technically FDA approved at this time. My question mainly centers around what if it becomes FDA approved later this year, and employers begin moving in that direction? These are the sorts of questions I'm hoping we can all discuss.

7spade 7 points ago +7 / -0

OP, obtain the name of the HVAC company. If legit, they'll obviously have state licenses on file. If it's some sort of shell company, yeah they'll have licenses on file too however the dates issued and/or ownership info may yield clues indicating this.

Also, Dallas convention center is to be hosting illegals streaming across the border because there are already so damn many.

by 7spade
7spade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhaps the money included for all non-white farmers in this ridiculous stimulus bill makes more sense now?

7spade 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Plenty of leftist Karens out there managed to make their voice heard. Why are people on the other side always so damn lazy?

7spade 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's amusing to me to see members here continue to watch Fox after they deliberately revealed themselves on election night last year.

7spade 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh hell people, stop with the ridiculous nonsense. There's a thread here almost every week....I've created one myself....about not wearing masks in these places even before Texas made their announcement.

Some stores, at the corporate level, say they still want you to wear masks. None of the stores I've been in actually enforce this. Do you understand how companies try not to alienate one side or the other? If you weren't wearing masks before this week, then what has changed other than your desire to gripe and bitch about this latest thread?

7spade 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree with you on this. There are so many people out there who are supportive of these things but damn near everyone who is seems to be an absolute bumbling idiot in terms of figuring out alternatives. And as you've already pointed out, there ARE some alternatives available right now.....why the hell aren't more people and organizations using them?

7spade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Specifically this small paragraph.

When was the last time someone said, “Well, they’re doing it in Mississippi, so we should do it, too.” The last time Texas and Mississippi locked arms was the mid ‘60s. The 1860s.

7spade 5 points ago +5 / -0

I personally am tired of every politician with an R by their name rolling over and taking it up the ass.

Plenty of blue states ignore federal laws, it's time red states do the same. Stop taking the high road every time. If you want to defeat the leftists, that means getting dirty and fighting their stupid game. They have been cheating at the polls for a long time.....why haven't any conservatives cheated? Honor? Integrity? That hasn't exactly been working out at all.

Fucking stand up!

7spade 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree. I'm still voting for a good primary challenger too but everything you've said is correct.

7spade 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll post this again for everyone.....I'm sick and tired of always taking the high road with these leftists. They've used the power of government against us before, it's time they get used to having it used against them.

Have all of you so quickly forgotten how the government forced that Colorado bakery to make a cake for a gay wedding against their wishes?

7spade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Frankly, because I got tired of taking the high road all the time with these leftists. They've used government to force businesses to do their bidding before....have you already forgotten the bakery in Colorado forced to make a cake for a gay couple against their wishes?

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