She had some breakfast,2 eggs sunny side up and a little tuna with the meds in it. I may have double dosed her on everything. I thought my wife picked up the food she didnt eat from the night before.she ate it before i thought about it.

She didnt eat her dinner. She was up and about most of the day. I went outside to clean up the yard and my shed a little,she let herself out the back door. She sniffed around a little and went back in to bed.

The stinky breath wasnt bad this morning. Still has green goopy stuff coming out her nose.


She didnt eat. She did drink a little bit. The weather was nice so she let herself out the back door. yes,she knows how to open the screen in the sliding door. She wandered around the backyard and layed on the deck in the sun for a while.

she didnt come to bed last night.she slept on the couch. This is abnormal for her. Shes always in the bed.


After yesterdays nonsense,this will be the last one.

She ate some tuna and canned chicken mixed together for breakfast. I came home from work to a wiggly tail.she had a big plate of ground beef with only cbd oil and antibiotic in it.

Ill keep doing what im doing and hope for the best.


She didnt eat her eggs and bacon. Slept most of the day.slurped some water.

I got home from work and she was up and about with a wiggly tail. I wrapped an antibiotic in a piece of cheese,she ate it.

She was looking for food.we didnt have anything ready for her.i gave her 3 cans of tuna with the water,she ate it all.she seems to like tuna. If its tuna she wants,its tuna she will get. Ill hit the store tonight and grab her a bunch of big cans. Should probably get rice to mix with it.

I cant say that shes getting better or cured. But she doesnt seem to be getting any worse than she was a month ago.The only side effects ive seen so far is shes got the hershey squirts and her claws grew pretty damn quick.


She didnt eat or drink all day. Slept all day. I got home from work and she got up to come see me. My wife ordered pizza for the kids,she was at the door waiting for the pizza man.

I wrapped an anti biotic in a piece of cheese.she ate it

My wife made grilled cheese with bacon. I took the bacon grease and put it in her food with a piece of bacon. She ate all but the carrots she usually likes.she drank some water.

She hasnt had any fenben and vitamins in 3 days cuz she wouldnt eat and i figure id just let her eat if she was gonna eat.

This morning shes having scrambled eggs with bacon and bacon grease with the fenben and vitamins but shes not eating it yet.


She didnt eat. Didnt drink much. Slept most of the day. Still has the goopy shit coming out her nose.


She was awake most of the day. Not up wandering around but awake and laying around. She actually barked when i came in the front door. She hasnt barked at the door since this started.

She ate like a pig. I gave her 2 big cans of tuna with the water late morning, She ate most of it. I think she liked it. My wife cooked a roaster chicken. She had 3 plates of chicken and carrots. She was a full happy puppy last night.


She didnt eat again. Slept most of the day. She drank a little bit.

I think i know 1 reason shes not eating. Spoiled mutt is used to snacking on whatever we have during the day and getting whats left after dinner. I was having a couple grilled cheese last night. She got up and came to me for some. She loves grilled cheese. I ripped of a tiny piece of crust. She ate it and wanted more. So i ripped off another tiny piece and dropped it in her food.she devoured the hole plate of food.

A few things ive noticed with this treatment. She got the hershey squirts baaaaaaaad,probably from all the fenben. Wonder if i should give her a few days without to let her system calm down??

And her claws grew super freaking quick.probably from all the vitamin E. I gotta fight with her to try and trim them today.

Maybe see if i can get her fat ass in the tub. Maybe she will feel a little better after a nice warm bath.

Thank you for all the kind words and comments. I might not reply to you all but i do read every comment and look into what you say so i have info when i see my vet.


I stayed home from work with her. She didnt eat anything all day. Spent most of the day sleeping. I got her to get up and go for a ride to pick my wife up from work. She was kinda happy to go for a ride. She loves car rides.

Shes got green goopy shit coming from her nose again. I wiped some drool from her lip and got a glob of green goopy shit from her mouth.i want to think this is a good thing but it could go either way. I have some antibiotics for her.

I got ahold of my vet to find out hes in florida till wednesday.hopefully he will give some good news when he gets back but he said it sounds like its moved into her sinuses.


She ate yesterday morning. She did eat a little bit last night. But she spent most of the day sleeping and an hour or so of sitting in a doorway staring at my wife.

When i got home she mostly slept. She got up to move to the couch with my wife.

Ill keep trying and hoping for a miracle till the last day.


Im not seeing much at all about it. Mostly people on my list bitching about biden


She didnt eat or drink anything. Slept all day. She ate this morning but shes definately not feeling good. The mouth stink is horrible again.lump seems to be puffed up again. Shes got tears in her eyes. It might be time.

Still waiting to hear from my vet. Ill probably call him again today if i get tge chance.

Thats a good one. 🤣 (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by 94f450d ago by 94f450d

Like i said in yesterdays post,she was up and about when i got home last night. Tail was wagging. She was starving. She ate 2 plates of food and then she wanted the kids KFC (didnt get any).

I woke up at 4am this morning with no dog in the bed. She was on the floor staring at me. Thought she wanted to go outside. Nope,she wanted to go out in the living room to bully the boy sleeping on the couch off the couch.she finally got him to wake up 45 minutes ago. He moved to the crappy end of the couch and she hopped up into his spot and went to sleep. Took her 4 hours to get what she wanted. Damn hard headed pit bull,she dont give up till she gets what she wants🤣

What seems to be happening is the lump gets bigger,she doesnt feel good for a day or 2.then when shes getting up and doing dog things again the lump shrinks back to its "normal" size. the breath gets worse during this as well and goes back to the normal stink when shes done feeling like shit.

Waiting on a call back from my vet.unless its an emergency,he usually calls back in a day or 2. If there was an emergency,id just call his office. Gotta see about doing something withnthe lump. I feel that is the cause of most of the issues shes having.

If it werent for the lump and the top of her head sunk in,you really wouldnt know she was sick and possibly dieing. Visually,she doesnt seem to be losing weight. When shes not feeling like shit,shes being 80% of her normal pain in the ass self.


She ate her breakfast. Slept all day. I got home and she didnt look like she was feeling good. This morning shes barely moving around. Didnt want to go outside. Drool just pouring out her mouth. Seems to be having trouble breathing.

If this keeps going for a few days,i might have to make the decision. Im not gonna make the poor thing suffer. But with the way shes been lately,she will probably be up and running around when i get home tonight.


Not really anything to report.

She did eat twice yesterday. She was being a pita for food early afternoon and again around 8pm. Ill probably stick with feeding her when shes looking for food. Shes used to eating everything and anything all day long. She was never on a i feed her at 8am and 5pm thing.usually had a full bowl of dry food 24/7.

She got mad cuz we went to do laundry and took all the blankets to wash. She was not happy when we got back.🤣

Things dont seem to be getting any worse. Visually,i dont see her fat ass losing wieght. Gonna call the vet today to see if he wants to see her and find out if anything can be done with the lump.


She slept all day. Didnt really get up when i got home. We fed her late but she didnt eat it. Wich really isnt that abnormal fir her.Left the food down for her. She got up at some point during the night and ate.

Gonna call the vet tomorrow and see if he wants to see her and see if we can finally do something with the lump.

What do you guys think of that fresh pet food? It doesnt have anything as far as preservatives and shit in the ingredients but nothing saying how much carbs or anything in it.


She didnt eat her breakfast. Slept all day till i got home. Then she was up and about,tail wagging looking for food. So warmed up the breakfast she didnt eat that had all the meds in it. She slurped it right up. As long as she eats once a day,ill be happy. Shes used to eating whenever she felt like eating.

The lump looked like it got a little bigger yesterday,this morning it looks to have shrunk back to its "normal" size.

Visually,she doesnt seem to be loosing wieght. I dont have a scale that i can get her fat ass on to wiegh her.

Gonna call the vet monday and see if he wants to see her and do some blood tests and see if we can do something about the lump.maybe see if she needs another tooth pulled.

I really think the lump is her biggest problem. I know if i had something like that hanging off my face right under my eye,i wouldnt want to do anything all day. I dont know if its painful,shes not whining or crying about it. I would imagine shed be whining all the time if it was really painful.


She didnt eat her breakfast. My wife said she slept all day. This really isnt too abnormal for her.

I got home,she was looking extra sad. She always looks sad. The lump looked like it got bigger. I really wish i could have the lump removed or drained. She eventually git off the couch. Wagging her tail with a little spring in her step. Then she was looking for food. Since it was like 8pm i didnt put anything but cbd oil in her food. She ate it and hounded us for our food. It really sux having to say no to her. We are soo used to sharing our food with her.

Still got goopy stuff coming from her nose. I know the bad stuff gotta find a way out and i really hope thats what it is.

Im not sure about the cbd oil. After she eats,she passes out. Im not even giving her that much. Have you ever had the dead weight of a pit bulls head on your arm? I bet that head of hers wieghs half her body weight😂.

Just want to thank everybody for the kind words,payers and encouragement.


No noticable changes to talk about.

I finally got the cbd oil yesterday. Gave her the first dose of that. She ate and went back to sleep fir a bit. Then she woke up with tail wagging and laying on me for some lovings.

Went out and got more stuff to feed her. Grabbed a few marrow bones. My wife threw the bones and stuff in a pot. Now shes got a pot of her own stew with all kinds of good stuff in it.

Damn dog is eating better than we are.😁🤣


No change in size of lump.

She ate her breakfast. She wanted to eat dinner. Made her some ground beef and sprinkled some salt on it as well. She drank a little after she ate.

The bad breath still seems to be a come and go thing. Sometimes youll get a good whiff of it but you mostly gotta be on top of her snoot to smell it. But its still not the rancid something rotting in your fridge make you wanna puke smell that it started out as. More like she farted.

The drool seems to be almost clear. It was a grosse brownish grey foul smelling slime. Still a little bit a slime in it.

She was up and about last night wagging her tail.

Trying to keep track of how much she sleeps,eats or drinks is kinda tough. She was never a very active dog.she prefers to lay around most of the time. Some days she wouldnt eat but most days she would eat anything you gave her. Even on the hottest days, it would be a rare sight to catch her drinking. She has never emptied a water bowl.


No improvements to talk about. This dog can be a little hard to read. Shes lazy,so sleeping all day really isnt out of the norm for her. Shes never sucked a water bowl dry.its actually kinda rare to see or hear her drinking. But food is a different story. She will pass up dog food but she has never passed up any human foods. The vet told me when she starts sleeping all the time,stops eating or drinking,the end is near.

She did finally eat yesterday. On mondays,my wife brings her home some meatballs and other trimmings from work. So when my wife came home,she was expecting meatballs (she knows when meatball day is). My wife said she was jumping and hopping around waiting for meat balls. She told her there werent any and she snorted at my wife and ran in the room and ate the food i gave her.

The bad breath seems to be a come and go thing. It hasnt been the rancid make you want to puke smell. More of a lingering fart smell.you kinda gotta be right next to her to smell it.the rancid smell could be smelled across the room.

The drooling and licking isnt as bad as it was

FOR THE WHACKOS WHO FEEL THEY NEED TO MESSAGE ME SAYING IM POISONING AND KILLING MY DOG. i discussed this with my vet. It is safe. I can double what im giving her if i want too. The vet gave me the fenben.if it wasnt safe,i doubt he woulda gave me the stuff and id doubt you could walk into tractor supply and buy it off the shelf without a prescription. Dont waste your time messaging me,im just gonna block and ignore you.

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