A 16 yo may not be a child, but theyre certainty not an adult and the forced sex happend on US soil, so old english consent laws are irrelevant.
Given the evidence connecting him to Epstein, including from Andrew's own statement and apology for associating with known sex traffickers, you really think she was a willing participant? Or that Virginia was the only one he did this to?
If my adult child was harming minor children? Id like to hope not.
Likely tied to Andrew but she protects Andrew...so close enough.
I remember him getting appointed. A selling point was that he was really young and it would be an advantage to have him there for a really long time.
Coming Soon! Kurt Russell stars in Escape from Smart City.
Maybe federal, but it falls right in line with state.
Lizard people dont have human rights.
Im talking about both because they're both sources of water that exist regardless of humans but the fact you think im conflating them tells how little you know about the variety of wells used throughout the country.
Its not that i think they cant pump and sell from private wells, im saying they want to own water. The long con is the control of all water distribution through a global network of corporate & government policies. Him saying that and govt policies barring rain collection are related.
Not me since i pump my own water. But how long before the feds say all ground water must be protected and only licensed wells are granted permission to pump water for commercial and industrial purposes? Because thats whats coming.
No im not. I gave specific examples of what im talking about. There are currently communities in this country barred from collecting rain water because no right to water exists. Those types of govt. policies are the wet dreams of CEOs like the one pictured above.
Good answer. I suspect what will happen is quality will go down because the MO of most PE's are to make cuts but we'll see.
There are currently communities in the US barred from collecting rain water because no right to water exists.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Hard to have a life without water. Also, its nothing like healthcare because healthcare doesnt literally fall from the sky.
...or collect it as its falling from the sky.
Would you feel the same about a private equity firm distibuting that water? Because thats who Nestle just sold all their water assets to.
Nestle just sold all those springs off to private equity firms.
Youre talking like water doesnt just fall from the sky. Water isnt a commodity like drugs, medical care or even most food. Like the air we breath, water requires no human input to exist but all need it to live.
This is the slope youre on...The protection of molecule h2o will eventually be deemed a national emergency and its collection and distribution will be regulated into the hands of only a few corporations for the greater good.
Thats the goal. No more rain collection, no more private wells, no more public water departments, no more man-made ponds or diversions for agricultural purposes or pumping lake water for farm animals. All that ends.
Theres an idea that right to water means free bottled water or some shit, but thats not it. Just like the 2A doesnt guarentee everyone a gun, just the right to possess them, a right to water means an individual has a right to possess water.
Maybe hes not drinking enough water.
We should start our own PE....with Black Jack...and hookers.
Nestle recently sold off their bottled water brands to private equity firms. Poland Spring, for example, is now controlled by One Rock Capital Partners.
I didnt realize there was so much sugar in peanut butter. Maybe switch to something more nutritious?
No. I know a lot of people that have since "come out" as non-vaxxed and I know a few that have regrets but then refused boosters....One lady in her 80's was right pissed about it. She's had some stupid side effects and her friend did too. She did some online research and was very willing to talk about the lies.
Professional athletes wouldn't take estrogen to compete, they take testosterone. Her body looks like a dude because she takes testosterone and probably steriods for muscle mass.
Im actually not sure now. A UK article was talking about it happening in some spot Gislane maxwell owned in London....which i guess meant they "trafficked" a 16yo from a place where consent is 18 to place where consent was 16. But im not sure that was the only supposed encounters.