Ok, I guess I should know this. Just watched a clip of Joe getting off Marine One. When he couldn’t put his jacket on and Jill had to help him. The Marines on either side of the steps were in flight suits, not dress uniform. Now I was in the AF for 30 years, did time in the 89th as a crew chief. Worked SAM aircraft, flew on them, marshaled in Marine Two shitloads of times and I never seen the Marines in anything other than their dress uniform. Just thought it strange.



So I'm not a big poster, more of a lurker but I couldn't help but notice a couple TikTok vids put out by Tulsi recently that are pretty extreme and critical of the Dems/deep state. Saw one today where she called out Clapper and Brennan both for lying to Congress in the wake of Bannon's verdict. I know, she's a lib with Soros ties so that's about as far as my trust goes but why do you think she got the go ahead to go scorched earth on the party? Just caught my curiosity.


What a beautiful Oklahoma day with the abundant chemtrail artwork against such a blue backdrop.

Mark Brnovich says (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by AFChiefRet ago by AFChiefRet

Full disclosure. I was all in early in the Q years on dates for happenings being thrown around only to be disappointed and let down each time until it became obvious the dates weren't for us...or were they? Seems we have an opportunity to fall into that trap again with Trump and 1 down 9 to go, pray for our Country for the next 21 days, Q's 21 day reference, 21 days from Trumps 9/11 address being 10/2 and the Mickey Mouse watch both set to 10-2 and making reference to 1-9. It would be great to date fag 10/2 as the day but I won't because I know better. But the bigger question remains. How much longer....post 10/2 should nothing happen, can we go before our Country hits terminal velocity and there's no coming back? Illegals flooding in, the COVID hoax, and now the report from Tucker Carlson on the tenants of satanism being pushed on our Armed Forces as a means of pushing the real patriots out. I don't think any semi-rational person can't see what's really going on but at this point it will take something "Biblical" to pull us back. Are we at the precipice? I think I would have to lean towards yes. Not dooming or date fagging. Merely suggesting there has to be a point of no return. Am I wrong?

Jumping Ship? 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by AFChiefRet ago by AFChiefRet

I work in the federal gov't. One of my duties is to review and sign off on offboarding requests. It's not unusual to go through periods where there are sporatic large numbers of people clearing. Usually students rotating out. But over the last few days these offboardings have been almost non-stop. Sh!tloads of people leaving, and not just students. Professionals, credentialed, non-credentialed, steady stream. Can't help but wonder if many aren't a result of the unconstitutional jab mandate?


Trump is responsible for Operation Warp Speed. Operation Warp Speed is responsible for pushing out COVID vaccines in unprecedented time. Trump touted Operation Warp Speed and the vaccines as miracles and continues to do so. When the J&J vaccine was paused, Trump released a specific statement denouncing the pause. Ivanka, at the least, gave the illusion she was taking the vaccine. Q repeatedly says think logically. Do you honestly think Trump would push a vaccine that would kill/maim innocents? He would be complicit. And I don't accept the "this is a war" disclaimer. You can't intentionally target non-combatants in war. Q has said they have everything. If we are to believe that then we have to believe they had the information regarding the virus AND the vaccine. I doubt anyone here believes the virus is anything except a manmade bioweapon unleashed by the CCP and deep state to create havoc to support their agenda. That being said, I seriously doubt they would unleash something they already didn't have an answer for. "Hey lets just unleash this virus that we don't have an antidote for and worry about it later". Does that sound logical in any way? I've read so much bullshit regarding these vaccines here from "those who took it are now trans-humans" to "those who took it can no longer be saved by Jesus Christ". FFS, the left certainly doesn't have a monopoly on fringe. I'm supposed to believe everything someone posts on here as gospel? Hell no I'm not. I'm supposed to think logically and question everything. And one more thing. To all those that berate maskers or vaxxers, what is it to you what they do? You know what you're really doing? You are dividing. You expect me to believe that anyone who wore a mask or took the jab isn't a Patriot? GTFO. Q said they want us divided. Division of any kind weakens the movement. Rant over. Downvote at will.


For the love of God, sometimes I’m driving and you’re the only thing on. Can I please just listen to what your guests and callers have to say without you injecting your advanced martial arts training? FFS I just want to listen to them so I can better understand my own self. Just STFU let them finish a statement. Phuuuuuuuuck I know you bend which ever way the wind blows but you do have callers with some common fuchin sense if you’d just let them finish a thought.


I migrated here from Voat. I don't post much, but I lurk to learn and understand. I try and navigate the bullshit as best I can. So I have a Covid vaccine question that's been bugging me. The general consensus throughout this board is that the vaccine is bad or has the potential to be bad. I don't disagree. I'm sure most of us have read the articles and posts with regards to mRNA and changing DNA and all this so I won't rehash. My question is simple.

Given the below statements,

Patriots Are Now In Control...PANIC. Q...We have everything We are watching a movie. We have already won. God always wins.

The Trump Administration (Trump) initiated Operation Warp Speed to fast track out the vaccines by mainly removing the regulations and other stumbling blocks that typically direct how a vaccine is rolled out. So we have a vaccine in record time. IF the vaccine is bad and a deep state effort to thin us out, and IF it does change our DNA, and IF the above statements ARE true, then how does POTUS (and by POTUS I mean Trump) role this vaccine out and stand by it while it affects people in the manner most are saying? Given the statements above, would they not know that Big Pharma was rolling out a Gates depopulation plan? If the vaccine was in fact bad in some way wouldn't POTUS know it? And if he did then why would he back something, support something, push something that he KNOWINGLY knew was bad to begin with?

Simple question from a simple lurker. I have a vested interest in this as while the survival rate is high, I have a disabled son with a suppressed immune system and comorbidities. This all has to make sense to me and I have to try and understand this issue from all sides.

This isn't meant as dooming post, just a legit attempt at understanding. Not a shot at POTUS either. Quite frankly, I'm more inclined to take it since it was rolled out under his watch.