ALLAH3000 5 points ago +5 / -0

lol reminds me of that simpsons scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jaAeTaG_ms

ALLAH3000 1 point ago +1 / -0

hey people dont get me wrong here. I dont "need" a medal and I dont think I deserve one, I just had a funny thought how we get awarded for serving in some modern digital warfare lol. would be cool, but I agree, I just want world peace and all people being saved

ALLAH3000 1 point ago +1 / -0

what you say about this sub is true. As I remember right on thedonald Alex jones is still seen as a hero.

But I thought its funny how Alex JOnes said "i went golfing with Q" in the past haha, and Q replied with "NO OUTSIDE COMMS". Then later jones said "q doesnt exist " after being called out for MOS contacts

ALLAH3000 2 points ago +2 / -0

You talk about the (only ~60% of the truth can be made public) right? I think, while we all deserve to know the whole truth, its definitely better to keep some hidden.

I mean for example, if it were true, and all my life was a sick experiment by some elite/by some aliens or an AI, and everyone I talked to was some kind of actor (like in Truman Show) I would immediately kill myself.

maybe it is like that, I sometimes believe it. I would go insame immediately. Even more insane than im already am lol

ALLAH3000 3 points ago +3 / -0

POTUS has to be really careful in what he says about Q. If he said "I support the Q Movement", you know next day the Deep state will put out a false flag attack. A "q supporter" shooting black peopler for example, so the media can say "TRUMP SUPPORTS THE Q MOVEMENT WHICH IS ABOUT KILLING BLACKS! DRUMPF RACIST!"

ALLAH3000 3 points ago +3 / -0

On one side I can really see that hes a gatekeeper, just there to make us conspiracy people look stupid. On the other hand he woke a lot of people up.

lol maybe hes some kind of a a double agent

ALLAH3000 4 points ago +4 / -0

thats a thing I hated about VOAT. It was down all the time.

We are awating a mass flood of confused normies who will get waken up with a loud bang in the next weeks

ALLAH3000 0 points ago +1 / -1

God chose me after all. Ive met "him" myself. As an atheist/agnostic/god hater. in the same trip I had a vision about a pyramid with its top broken/blown off. Rubble lying around it. reminded me of a "warplace". It was a very special vision and a very special meaning with god.

that changed me

it will all come true

ALLAH3000 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know what you people will think/say : "one eye? ILLUMINATI! thats demonz and sheeit" LOL

we as a soul only have ONE eye. thas the pineal gland. You really think after death we will continue to have two eyes? for what reason? its just for material world. After death you have flawless sharp 32K vision

ALLAH3000 2 points ago +2 / -0

on DMT/Ayahuasca I encountered a lot of INSECTOID aliens. Also some reptitilian/lizard/dragon/snake like. Also the extradimensionals who have a ever-changing appearance. In a way that is impossible to describe since they are not 3 dimensional but like 8 dimensional.

Ive met classic aliens (big head big eye). Ive met "elves" and "dreamcatcher-head like beings) Ive met god himself, Ive met what I can best describe as "angels". humanoid beings with wings with a non human head.

important to notice it, most of these beings have only ONE eye. Cause that represents the ONE SPIRIT eye we all have (the pineal gland). "two eyes" is a fleshy material,. inferior nature invention.

on one DMT trip I had a PORTAL opening up in my room, with my OPEN eyes. There was a slim "galactic black" alien inside. Mooving towards me. It moved in a strange way. best way I could describe it is "it didnt move 3 dimensional towards me, but like higher dimensional"

it didnt communicate with me. I was sitting there like :OOO lorl.

actually fun thing to notice is, many entitties you encounter on DMT, are as SURPRISED and almost SHOCKED to see you, as you are surprised/shocked to see THEM.

that makes one feel real special in the "universe". You are as special as a super advanced alien. they can also examine you. maybe even heal you. they are like interdimensional doctors

ALLAH3000 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every living thing in the WHOLE UNIVERSE, no matter how far away, can be contacted via the extradimensional pathway. accessed by tryptamines like DMT.

There are also physical aliens in our 3 dimensional world. Those aliens who are only up to personal contact usw the extradimensional travelling.

They only need spaceships and robot drones to test different planets for minerals, life forms, etc.

The deep state wanted to make you believe alien contact is something super mega HIGH TECH and SECRET. Yet, anyone can contact 10000 aliens in just 5 minutes. Its as easy as lighting up a cigarette.,

you as your SOUL/SPIRIT travel to extra dimensions. your SOUL has infinite knowledge. But your fleshy brain acts as a weak VR-filter for that soul to interact with the material world. thats why you cant bring back knowledge from hyperspace!

you can easily talk to/see GOD via your third eye. But only if he sees it needed to talk to you. Its actually VERY easy. Its WAY MORE easy than using a smartphone actually

ALLAH3000 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well what is it? If its a deadmans switch I would be scared to click on something that could scar me for life, mentally

ALLAH3000 3 points ago +4 / -1

Lets just slow down with promises. Gesara/Nesara is the new "military freed 10000000 kids from secret tunnels!" right now

ALLAH3000 0 points ago +1 / -1

not sure if subliminal front. If anything, I want to be recruited for SPIRIT FORCE.

Going in meetings with the DMT aliens to aquire new technology

ALLAH3000 5 points ago +5 / -0

What matters most is the DS defeated, with a whole new peaceful world. But I also want to see peoples faces who mocked us for believing in trump and Q. when they finally see all of it was true lol

ALLAH3000 1 point ago +1 / -0

so is he going to round up jack. wishful thinking. want to see him hanged

ALLAH3000 1 point ago +1 / -0

hmm smart thought. If they want they can seed us all out. delete all our "social" possibilities related to the internet

ALLAH3000 1 point ago +1 / -0

its nordic mythology, not baphomet

ALLAH3000 2 points ago +2 / -0

wasnt it about "less than 10 people know the FULL plan"`?

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