ARMalta0980 18 points ago +21 / -3

It is not a lie and you are not crazy. What they have been doing has gone on for thousands of years. 9/11 opened my eyes, something was not right about that day. I fell down the rabbit hole. I have been telling people for years but People need to feel the fire to believe it’s hot.

They always forget us, the people and our resilience of spirit. We/God always rises up and defeats them, throughout our shared history..

Don’t lose faith. I never have.

ARMalta0980 10 points ago +11 / -1

Because the media will spin the narrative to make it look like he is trying to perform a coup. The people would not be behind this. Hence why the military has to do this-people love and trust the military to take care and protect them. If they go in and do this, both sides would be much more accepting of the outcome and it bypasses the riots and mayhem they had planned.

My thoughts anyway..

ARMalta0980 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ‘person’ is transgender and a Gypsy so she’s a minority of color.. the video cut out before she made that statement.. it never gets old.. they are eating each other..????

ARMalta0980 4 points ago +4 / -0

Angels, just like demons, walk among us...

ARMalta0980 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know I know... breaks your soul a little to see such things..

ARMalta0980 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes sadly..

The artists name is Kim Noble..

Her artwork is very intense in a sad dark and heinous way.


ARMalta0980 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sometimes you just have to search. One article or video or post will lead to further information. I would recommend fall cabal. I have been investigating the shadow government for almost two decades and this is a 10 part series of relatively short videos that sums it all up for you... be prepared for what you find although things that hurt your soul can never be prepared for.

We all have to find the truth for ourselves. And it is very horrifying... sorry...????


ARMalta0980 2 points ago +2 / -0

Believe me i have looked deeply into this and spoken with several government agencies... the majority of what they have told you is a lie. A big fat lie...

ARMalta0980 6 points ago +6 / -0

I love our men and women in uniform!

‘I won’t forget the men who died and gave that right to me. And I’ll glad stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain’t no doubt I love this land! GOD BLESS THE USA!’


Lee Greenwood & the US Airforce “God Bless the USA”

ARMalta0980 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read it..

This is what this whole movement is about.

Learning what the truth is and discernment.

Of course posts like that always need consideration-everything does because in reality we only know what God let’s us know.

We know who DJT, we know what Q is about.

Don’t be afraid.

You will love how this movie ends! Better things are coming! Trust God’s plan!