pain medication, miralax for constipation from the pain meds, and zofran in case of nausea. Sitting here at work in the ER and a poor older lady (60's) has been here for 2 hours, coughing, waiting on her covid test, She tests positive and thats what they send her home with..... NO IVERMECTIN, NO HCQ, just instruction to return if her fever goes over 103 or she starts to have trouble breathing...i.e. after its too late to do much good. WTF.


Standing on a beach in Hawaii, taking pictures w my daughter. A middle aged hawiian dude was sitting on the sand next to us. He asked where we were from and i told him Texas. He went on to say we had a strong governor, and that Hawaiis governor sucked. Then things got real. He asked if i was vaccinated, (and if youve been to Hawaii recently then you know they are in full sheep mode here). I told him " fuck no!" He laughed and said right on. Then he got serious and started telling me, "you dont know this, but theres some crazy dark forces out there trying to ruin our way of life, and enslave us all, that whole vaccine thing is a part of it" then he looks up at me and says "have you ever heard of GESARA OR NESARA?" I ALMOST SHIT MY PANTS! Its one thing to be here with you all, but to encounter another pede in the wild IS WILD. We fist bumped over WWG1WGA, he said he doesnt think theres that many ppl on Hawaii that know what is coming. But after my out of the blue random convo with him, i believe there are more of us out there, silently waiting, trying to spread the word when we can, than we can even imagine. Be well frens!!


So, its been a few weeks since my last post regarding ppl coming into the ER..New update is they are STILL coming with vomiting, chest pain, stroke symptoms, blood clots, body wide rashes. Most under 50 and generally healthy, usually within a week of getting the devils juice. New development is the admitting rate of Covid positive patients has increased..ALL OF THEM WERE VACCINATED. Of the 5 they all received Moderna, (because my nosey ass had to ask so i could tell my frens). Watching my office mate libs, who all creamed over the shot, start to try to compute this info has been beyond entertaining. But alas, they almost all fell beack to "well if everyone would get vaccinated...." I just roll my eyes and move along, an unmarked pede.....


"Future Direction"...Im in total agreement that Fauxi may be first arrest. this seems like a back door the DS wasnt expecting, therefore not fortified. When Fauxi is arrested then comes the why, then more why's, then we are at the doorstep of dems and all those in on it and those supporting/financing the crime against humanity. This is a little hole that will split it all wide open., I am feeling like FISA was the ultimate "look here, not there" that the DS built up their armor against, including Durham. By going in the back way via Fauxi, its too late to cover their asses...what could awaken the masses worldwide more than the arrest of Fauci, >>covid was manufactured as a dem plot to win an election and everyone on that side helped? Devastating yet Glorious..

Irony.... (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Aclemmo77 ago by Aclemmo77

Im not in a mood to pay my taxes at the moment> i disagree with just about every plan my hard earned money is being designated for, be it an illegal, some overseas abortion, some gender study in pakistan, or building the chucky schumer bridge. Im feeling like ive got no representation but a whole shitload of taxation. I say, just to keep everyone out of "trouble" we all file extensions this year. generally they go to october, which by that time Im hoping all this shit has been cleaned up and the plan executed. (secretly hoping for NESARA). im not a financial expert and im not giving advice, but i am putting out my intent wondering if anyone else is considering doing the same?


So I work in an area hospital, we are able to volunteer (with pay) to COVID screen people coming to the hospital. 99% of my screening shifts are in the ER. DAILY we get people in that are a. having a reaction of some type to the 2nd dose of the vaccine, or b. are here for some systemic problem (breathing, pain, headache, etc) and love to brag when I screen them that they just got their shots, not putting 2+2 together that they may be related. Luckily we are still voluntary where I work because NO WAY IN HELL will I get this shit shot. Peer pressure is rediculous and reactions are WAY under reported


A 3 second video of a squirrel with a peanut in its mouth posted at 1052 pm on 4/7

3 year +1 day delta Q post 1052


most of his posts have been random animal post videos but time stamps have been a day or 2 off zero delta, or very relevent to current news. Since they are on facebook, im not putting the links. Last time I linked a scavino Facebook video almost all my replies werent about the content, it was pedes bitching that they dont "do" facebook and couldnt see it.


Just thinking, "never let your enemy know your plans" usually we attatch meaning to possible events "datefgag" and analyze EVERYTHING. But times like this, when its so quiet, would be the BEST time for something to happen right? because if we have an inkling or a clue, so would the DS. Just thinking...

Sacavino POST (twitter.com)
posted ago by Aclemmo77 ago by Aclemmo77
Scavino...17 seconds long , of course!! (www.facebook.com) ? B O O M ! ?
posted ago by Aclemmo77 ago by Aclemmo77

While I really like the new Deport options I really have a problem with “retard”... No, not that reason, but because there are a lot of retards on this board. Sometimes I’m a retard and I’d hate to get deported because I make an unintentional retard comment. Just saying it happens, be kind to retards.


If Q says military is the only way, then the court path seems like a lost cause, yes? Just pondering, maybe a way to present evidence to awaken, but if military is only way then what happens to Lin W. and Sidney P. Case? Or its disinformation... always so much going on!

One of the AF1 flights?... (globe.adsbexchange.com)
posted ago by Aclemmo77 ago by Aclemmo77
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