He and Trump both said it in plain sight. Gaetz was the “distraction”. How many times were we told “look here, not there” it served many purposes: show the resisters in Rep side, bigger target (Gaetz) providing cover for others, senate seat, and to reveal Bondi who may have been the pick all along.
Hi missed a lot of opportunities to nail her. The best is when she talked about Ukraine having a right to borders and sovereignty. He could have Lit her up. And nothing. She was fake, repetitive, snarky , and a smiling bitch. She gaslighted the whole debate and her base is so hateful they will lick her up.
I agree w this. I found Q in november 2017, I found this board January 2021, I found Dave May 2021. These things in parts or all together keep me sane, keep me comfy, and have been vital to my sense of well being. I spoke about this to my husband a few days ago. ALL of the shit going on out there, I have FULL faith in the plan. When I hear "what if trump doesnt win?" I KNOW he will because thats the plan, there is no other option. I feel like ive read the last page and it gives me peace. FAITH. When things happen that dont make sense or "why did this happen"? Dave usually has an answer, right or wrong, it at leaves gives a reasonable possibility. I listen at bedtime.
I mean, Mexico has issues butnit also has a chunk of our manufacturing, it's got agriculture, tourism, oil and gas. We've already got a shit ton of its citizens here now anyway, might as well take it over, clean it up, make it conservative and all is good in New Texico!
Huge WTF with surgeon general. That chick is a mask mandating vaxx pusher!!! She’s a plandemic stooge! Anyone have a plausible reason for him to nom Nesheiwat?