Trump guilty on all counts!!!! WTF!! ๐Ÿš” Crime & Democrats ๐Ÿ’ธ
posted ago by Aclemmo77 ago by Aclemmo77

This is a abomination.


Just sitting here thinking that some of the @Jack q posts dont make sense for twitter Jack, maybe for Jack Smith? Interesting


Hard to do when hes out there signing Ukraine flags and kissing Zelensky's ass, just saying. Thoughts?


so painful to watch, but really? 17?

Pokey fuckers.... (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Aclemmo77 ago by Aclemmo77

Popcorn ready ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿฟ


Today I saw 3 men for evals, ages 59, 59, and 58, all s/p CABGx4, after doing chart reviews noted ALL had pfizer jabs within the last 6 months. Now whats so wierd is its really not typical to see CABG(coronary artery bypass grafts) patients under 65, and all 3 of them had NSTEMI's (heart attacks) so they prob didnt see this coming and didnt have cardiac symptoms. They werent crazily obese, or smokers, they were all still independent and working. I just found it very odd (but really, i knew whats up). Also noted I had a triple jabbed (moderna), female, 49, die "from covid pneumonia" , and most C19 positives coming through the ER door are jabbed. I hear the doctors say "its good your vaccinated, it well be less severe and prevent you from dying" I roll my eyes. Its awful, and I truly believe a lot of these doctors arent evil, just negligent, they just go with the flow and dont question the status quo or realize that shit doesnt add up and they are all jabbed too! blows my mind. Ive been surreptitiously blurting out "and take some zinc and vitamin c" after the doc walks away. Its hard. Also TPTB at my work have sent out an Omicron response plan, i chuckle, yet at the same time they "encourage" staff to get vaxxed. No thanks.


Im often thinking about what is going on right now and Ive come to the realizarion that Trusting the Plan is a feat of true faith. I stopped watching the news ever since Nov 4th, Ive been following Q since winter 2017, I didnt understand the clock but I read each post and tried to apply it to present happenings but it never made sense. I always had a shallow understanding and want for justice. I always assumed it was about FISA gate and justice for that, wow was I way off the mark. ThIS now, where we are in 2021, Q makes so much more sense now, about darkness and light, and fighting true evil and faith. 4 years ago none of us knew how far we could fall from freedom and light and how dark it may get. Those days leading up to Jan 21st when we all waited for EBS and having to get over that crushing blow when it never happened and POTATUS was sworn in-ish, and understanding the devastating disappointment date fagging can wraught. Holding off the Doom by checking in here daily, praying, listening to Dave ( yes i know lets talk about your health) but these are the things I need to hold the line, and trust the plan, because when you really think about it at this point, teetering on the precipice, Faith is all we have to hold onto. Its a huge leap, but I'm here 100% holding the line..I cant imaging living through this without GAW and without having Q. Thanks everyone for being here and trusting the plan too. Thats it, Goodnight! WWG1WGA.

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