It's because they believe lies about the Catholic Church. The "Mary worship" and "saint worship" and "idol worship" stuff is the same lies I've heard for decades, they can't think of anything new and get hung up about the same crap that has been explained to them ad nauseum for centuries. They will never get it because their hatred is so large.
Even Martin Luther had respect for Mary and recognized her as the Mother of God. Somehow modern protestants can't even do that.
Over-population only exists in those liberal hell holes. Cities are over-populated, but there is so much space in the world that all of us could be spread out enough that we'd never see another human again. Of course, not all land is livable, or arable, but even in the US there's a lot of good empty land in the West. Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, all incredibly sparsely populated.
Too bad for them there is only one King and He rules the Universe.
I think they could care less about Catholicism, they really don't like it. At least that's the vibe I've been getting from here.
I didn't even see that button, thanks for pointing it out!
It's all about who is more "the victim." The more stats you have, the higher your victim status.
Possible, but I don't think we really know.
You're welcome. Quick question, can you still see this comment? I don't know why but it seems like 15 or more comments are hidden or missing from the comment section and I can't see them. Where did they go?
Easter/Resurrection happens 3 days after Passover, and it changes every year. Sometimes it's near Spring Equinox but usually it's not. It can be anywhere from late March to late April. It depends on Passover. But Spring Equinox is always March 20th or 21st. So Resurrection has pretty much nothing to do with Spring Equinox.
Christmas is also the same. The 25th of December is not Winter Solstice, which is December 21st. If they really wanted it to be associated with the Solstice they'd put it on the 21st. Same with Easter, it would always be March 20th or 21st, but it's not, it changes every year based on Passover.
We don't really know when Christ was born but we just decided to put it where hope and celebration would be most wanted and welcome, during the cold, dark winter months.
That's probably the most accurate description.
I just spoke to a friend who has had the jab. She says she got a nasty "cold" after Thanksgiving being around all her other family who are also jabbed. She says everyone got this "cold" thing going around.
I asked her if she knew for sure it was a cold and that she didn't actually have covid. She said she didn't have covid because she took a home test. I asked her how that works and she said you just swab your saliva. I thought, "Great, they do that for her a vaxxed person but for me an unvaxxed last year they had to jam that thing up my nose..." Another extra freedom the vaxxed have, to not have your nose physically assaulted.
She said the test came back negative but I bet it wasn't. The symptoms she and her family have are much too similar to covid for it not to be.
Man, they sure have some ugly people as their poster children (pun intended).
They put in 0% transitioning and expect all of us to put in the other 100% for them in our minds.
Poor Trump, he's surrounded by traitors, and also Drunk Nancy is getting all uppity again. Where's her meds?
Wait, Duggar as in...17 kids and counting Duggar?
This is depressing. She's so "oppressed" that she can do whatever she wants with no ramifications.
Isn't that the same ho leading the "protest" from a while back who had a b*tch fit about some white students doing their homework in the "multi-cultural" space? Then posted it to instagram thinking she was in the right but got ratioed to hell and then deleted the video and then removed comments from her posts? Why is that piece of trash still walking around that campus acting like she owns it?
You're welcome. This site is sadly ripe with Catholic and Orthodox hatred. It is what it is, and I've given up trying to convince any of these people. They will meet Jesus one day and have to explain why they hated His own mother. Jesus isn't going to take that lightly.