I’m confused as even reddit/WSB are saying they’re not interested in silver and that it’s all fake news.
I don’t think Tim is wrong due to that.
Also he’s explaining to normies, so is simplifying things, you need to keep that in mind.
The media are claiming that Biden had redecorated.
Bitch, they didn’t even iron the curtains. Those were clearly yanked out of an old storage cupboard.
Edit: Even the lighting is off. If that was the real office the model of camera and lights would be the same. I’m not buying it.
Would explain the video Inauguration, he simply wasn’t there. Show the outside, cut to Biden miles away, cut back to the DC feed etc
I actually like that he’s stood by his word. I’d rather that than him grift just to try and get views or positive attention from the Libtards.
Biden has been officially sworn in and he’s wasted no time in calling out the bullshit and terrifying road that the Dems will try to lead everyone down.
Like him or loath him, he’s not jumped on the pro-Biden wagon and by not being pro-Dem is at risk of getting banned.
He’s already admitted he’s only on youtube until enough people jump to his website due to strikes etc.
I honestly don’t mind him. It’s him mentioning some of TheDonald posts that helped me discover these wonderful sites.
I watched the Pedogate doc, I knew the basics surrounding Pizzagate - the symbols matching up, Dems friends and customers to the related restaurants but that was all.
The missing pieces were just fucking weird, no idea how anyone can defend it and claim it’s a conspiracy when it’s not a stretch or difficult to connect the dots. Surprisingly straight forward unlike real conspiracies.
You see, when you lay things out simply like that, it makes sense. I’ll never understand why some nutjob leftits can’t make sense of things even if you speak slowly and in small words for them to comprehend what you’re saying. Instead it’s “reeeee conspirareeee”
Don’t feel bad, It’s the trendy thing to do apparently.