From sea to shining sea!
My opinion means nothin.
Any good results from it?
It put the word 'magasty' in my head as in' majesty' and just wanted to say thanks before stealin' it and running with it as a username on a different forum lol.
The slow roll is considered extremely rude in poker, but the emotional impact of the reveal is undeniable.
If he wasn't before and he is awake now and using his time to show others what's going on, then he's welcome on my side. ?
Acute observation.
Terrible messaging.
What does your username mean? Asking for my dumb friend who cant figure it out.
It was planned. It was largely but not completely successful.
We are currently in Mitigation phase.
Next is Repair Phase.
Finally, Restoration Phase.
Yes, many do not.
Big Education is moving away from fact based to emotional based curriculum, 'wokeism'.
It's highlighted in yellow in the picture. Infer what 'they' is by parsing for what became mandatory. ?
I watch countless abandoned mine exploration videos but mostly Canada\Arizona\California.
Also, what a fascinating job to have had. I couldn't do it. Thanks for the input.
Believe it or not, I love that attitude ?
That's circumstancial evidence and no 'reasonable' person would draw that conclusion but there's a giant dickbutt in the red sea so all bets are off.
Thank you for this information.
I was hyped seeing how many views it had already. ? Good lookin' out.
You're welcome to step away if you like.
You meta funny.
Thanks, mineARC sounds like a dumb name. Looked like someone trying to be clever with the word Monarch. Saw some petition about it here:
but all the video links are dead. You connected a dot, thanks.
Why do you want it hidden?
2 for 2 and out of my hands now.
If you have to spank, it's not the kid that messed up.
The tail is wagging the dog.
The facts don't matter. The writer is setting the narrative.
On the minearc site just a few years up the timeline, you see the humblebrag that they held off on entering the market for a 2 years to perfect their unnecessary AC addition. Then, another law was created making AC mandatory and mineARC made a KILLING when they were suddenly the man when it came to 'refuge(e)' containers, which they owned the market on.
AC refuge(e) containers went from that Presidential Act to a billion dollar industry in very little time.
Create Disaster -> Offer Solution -> Profit -> Repeat (Evergreen)
Sounds like results to me! Right on.