Arcticwolf55 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok the sinks in my house, now what do i do?

Arcticwolf55 8 points ago +8 / -0

salt, look at the car that drives by it has a layer of powdered snow on it.

Arcticwolf55 13 points ago +13 / -0

from what i hear many are freaking out, but no one has YET been fired. Thats my understanding.

Arcticwolf55 3 points ago +3 / -0

me neither, but its so wide spread that i sometimes see this shit from the corner of my eye, and it makes me wonder the fuck is going on.

Arcticwolf55 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks, and sorry for asking, just lots of NC pulling out and the media is currently running a very bold counter op on any wierd/negative news about the Biden admin.

Hell the trump "Coke button" thing gave me that extra kick that i needed to say that shit aint over and something is going down in DC.

Arcticwolf55 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because the deep state media has said they were meant to leave on the 24th, if they are still there in force that adds one more straw to the weird shenanigans going on in the Biden fraud administration.

Arcticwolf55 1 point ago +1 / -0

Genuinely curious, many people are saying without Q we would be better. But im wondering what could have actually been done that wasent?

Arcticwolf55 1 point ago +1 / -0

me too, but with all the Doom and gloom larping going around i thought it be best to reassure people that no matter what happens today it aint over and we still have moves we can make on the chess board.

Arcticwolf55 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dont be stupid and drop the larp. If they start pulling shit like that they will have a uprising on there hands, with much of the military defecting to our side. The only reason it worked in russia (im russian in fact) is because most of the populous were poor serfs who could barley write, while most of the politicians were corrupt assholes, so when they were cleaning house in russia 1920 with the great war also raging; 90% of russia supported the reds because they had no other option/knew nothing better.

While in our situation, we are the modern day reds fighting the corrupt politicians and power, with the peoples interest in mind (minus the communism).

Arcticwolf55 1 point ago +1 / -0

the dems are also split, much worse then the republicans are in fact. They're split between the business dems (nancy) and the radicals (BLM,Antifa,AOC).

Actually if pols are to be believed the republican party is more united then ever, with 96% of the party supporting trump when he was in office.

Arcticwolf55 1 point ago +1 / -0

No they wont, at least not on local and state levels. This was there Nuclear option they used it to get back into power. However if they over use it not even there media puppets can sensor it from reaching the normies. This is as much a balancing game for them as it is for us, if they dont boil the frog (us) they will have a uprising on there hands, which they dont want or need.

If anything while we may have lost the battle, we have gained ground in terms of our info spreading to the normies. The cats out of the bag, and i wont be surprised if with each fuck up they have in this fraud administration, less people will back them, as our side gains support.

Arcticwolf55 5 points ago +5 / -0

supposedly Pompeo is in the know, and if the frequency gets short enough in means shit has hit the fan (in a good way).

Arcticwolf55 3 points ago +3 / -0

good luck, hopefully no AA shoots down your plane. and remember the parachutes are in the front with the pilots, so get a knife ready, it be the survival of the fittest.

Arcticwolf55 37 points ago +37 / -0

Disclose.tv is usually very reliable when it comes to news. I have yet to see them get something wrong. so id say they are the source.

Arcticwolf55 18 points ago +18 / -0

"The storm is upon us....." as you read those words the EBS comes on via TV,and Phone and says "we won hugely", followed by everything going dark as tv and internet is cut nation wide.

Arcticwolf55 18 points ago +18 / -0

if he starts tweeting faster, to what interval do you think he will drop? 10min,5min,1min?