Why? Orwell talked about screens and electronics well before the 80s. I have several pieces of sci-fi novels and non fiction books talking about HARRP and many other forms of technology. My cousin and uncle worked for the CIA in the early 90s doing telecommunications where they did things with fiber optic cables in the Pacific Ocean. From the bottom of my heart Wake Up and do a little digging.
Well Frens!! Just saw this, This was from CNN's Lauren Mascarenhas. The etymology of Lauren is of the Gothic Vandal, "barbarous, rude, cruel" next, is MASCARE "a stain; a mask".. We KNOW THEM. Glory be to GOD ALMIGHTY!
The Bible states that you cannot mix iron and miry clay. We were created from the ground by Almighty God the ultimate sculptor! It seems as though there is an odd mixture a foot. I am not sold that is the Mark, I know many Christians that have the Jab its just something to pray over.
I actually did have a real photo when discussed. I don't know how to add it to the thread from my desktop. Last time I used Catbox it did some weird auto download shit, so I never did it again. And for the record, this is a place for communication and dialogue. I use ZERO social media apart from this.