BabyTortureUnit -1 points ago +1 / -2

All one war really and its obvious when you understand that the twin tower demolition was the US gunpowder plat Sir Everard Digby waas one of the original 13 jesuit conspirators and his descendant Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton was one of the main conspirators in the US gunpowder plot the Holy Bible predicted that Satan would be loosed from his prison after 2024 years of the Christian era had expired now when the thousand years have expired Satan will be released from his prison and he will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle whose number is as the sand of the sea Apocalypse 207 it doesnt specify how long after that milestone the dreadful event would occur but the Babylonian American Captivity of Britannia occurred just 66 years after the expiration of the first millennium remarkably when that prophecy was written about 90 AD the earth was not a globe because even scientists know that a globe is a circle and does not have corners the Twin Towers were built by a Mickey Mouse construction company named the Karl Koch Erecting Company the Towers were built like BIRDCAGES, with absolutely no reinforcements in the center the Twin Towers were demolished by explosives and a small nuclear weapon hidden in the basement it was Pearl Harbor II with the Pentagon providing a convenient excuse to invade Iran Syria and Crimea the birdcage construction of the Twin Towers made them very easy to demolish old buildings are usually demolished by explosives perfectly timed to prevent damage to surrounding buildings another reason for 911 was to get rid of a fearless reporter named Barbara Olsen Barbara Olsen a last days Deborah was a lawyer and well known TV personality she was the bane of Hillary as she just published a damning expose entitled Hell to Pay The Unfolding Story of Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton Hillary hated the very ground she walked on and demanded that she be killed in a plane crash on 911 ominously JFKJR a rival of Hillary for the position of senator from New York also died in a plane crash Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton was planning on running for President in 2008 and anyone who stood in her way was marked for death British Prime Minister Tony Blair was the driving force behind Operation Iraqi Freedom Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bush Sir took their marching orders from Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher Tony Blair was British prime minister when Bush Jr assumed the Presidency Tony Blair was a frequent visitor to the White House to remind Bush Jr. that his father had made a grievous mistake by not removing Saddam Hussein the bane of the British Empire from power beginning in March 2001 British Prime Minister Tony Blair was a frequent visitor to the White House the invasion of Iraq was uppermost on his agenda the invasion of Iraq was launched on March 20 2003 the capital Baghdad fell on April 9 and Bush declared the end of major combat operation in May on reality, that was just the beginning of the Iraq War compounding all of President Bushs problems the Iraq War was bankrupting the country, and devastated New Orleans would require billions to rebuild. The Presidential election of 2008 was also on the horizon both the real Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton and her doppelgänger Hillary Harriman Clinton campaigned for the Presidency in 2008 that year was the worst possible time for her campaign, and she lost out to Barak Obama on Jan 20 2009 Barak Obama was sworn in as President instead of Hillary Digby Churchill Harriman Clinton

BabyTortureUnit 8 points ago +8 / -0

Here is my reminder to every White Southerner Nikki Haley has proven herself to be a virulently anti White anti-White Southerner hard core globalist amnesty supporting open borders loving war mongering Israel First treasonous witch of the absolute worse magnitude that the Deep State could dredge up from its deepest and darkest sewers while Governor of the Southern state of South Carolina she displayed her eagerness to cuck to the Cultural Marxists who are waging a full scale war against the courageous Southern men who fought and died for the Confederacy by seizing upon a mentally unstable kid Dylan Roof who committed a mass shooting at a black church and she used this crime which was committed by an individual for her excuse to ban the Confederate Flag and to kick off this accelerated demonization of all things related to the War for Southern Independence furthermore she was a leading anti Orange Man GOP establishment voice during the 2016 presidential campaign and is on the record as strongly opposing just about every single promised agenda item that the Orange Man ran on in 2016 and after he stupidly let Jared Kushner talk him into hiring this mouthy and dangerous woman into his administration she repeatedly and brazenly engaged in acts of insubordination by shooting her mouth off in open defiance to and direct contradiction of Trump demonstrating a clear lack of respect for the sitting Commander in Chief and treating him as if he was HER subordinate instead of the other way around I have been watching Nikki Haley with a keen eye ever since she exploited the Dylan Roof incident to prove her Deep State credentials by showing her hatred and disrespect for the thousands of White Southerners who fought and died in the War for Southern Independence From the Deep State and trust me on this she did that as part of her audition to the Deep State because hating the South and proving you are anti White is high on the checklist of these Cultural Marxists who hate and despise traditional America Nikki Haley is consumed with anti White Southern bigotry and that means she is an enemy to all racially healthy White Americans regardless if they are Southerners or living somewhere outside of the Southern states the Deep State anti Trumpers have been grooming this evil woman as a possible future candidate for either the Presidency or the Vice Presidency do not fall for this scam Nikki Haley is a war mongering globalist who is a puppet for the Israel First Lobby and she is the mortal enemy of every one of the 62 million Americans who voted for Trump based on his 2016 promised agenda

BabyTortureUnit 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nah get rid of the lot

We have 90%+ of the vote so it doesnt matter

Reprisals are more important and have to start now

BabyTortureUnit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had known that John Lennon was a victim of the CIA the assassin being from the CIA MK Ultra project and there is enough of evidence surrounding his case to show we were lied to from the authorites about it I had heard about Elvis death being suspicous and I dont know what motives they had Lennon was a very high profile peace activist and the FBI and CIA had a history of tapping his phones following him etc I had heard that Elvis was being watched maybe if he was very keen on the Kennedy brothers assasinations it might have given them cause for concern but only if he was vocal about those assasinations being the work of elements within the US gov was Elvis vocal about his concerns regarding the Kennedys deaths maybe I will read his case sometime in the future if I have reason to believe there might be something in it maybe this had something to do with the assasination attempt

BabyTortureUnit 3 points ago +3 / -0

The United States has taken the mantle from the prior torchbearers of Babylon we are now the legacy of Babylon the Tower of Babylon tells the story of Gods desire for separate nation this desire for unification dominance continued in the same region Babylon and continues to today Babylon fell but just like its relation to the Tower of Babel it had a spiritual successor the next would be the empires declared by Daniel ending with the Roman Empire this then progressed to further spiritual successors of Babylon there have been a lot of Babylons throughout history with Rome to the Mohammedans to Mongolia to England to us just like how Babylon and Muhammed wanted to conquer the world unite it under one faith and government so too does the modern United States God states that Babylon will fall so there must be a Babylon that exists to fall which means Babylon must have not just endured but strengthened over time to reach its necessary position of influence in the End Times Babylon is simply the continuation of the empire trying to unite and control the whole world Babylon is by its nature globalist we are degenerate decadent evil and immoral we are trying to create a unipolar world order where everyone is united under our boot we sacrifice our own children have lived practically our entire existence at war and are now even mutilating our children because of transgender tolerance We are importing millions of culturally non-similar peoples and exporting our cultural subversion to every nation that is under our influence we actively encourage one world government organizations this includes the open borders and everything revolves around the merchant economy libertarians this also includes the tolerate all evil and race integrationalism leftists without a doubt it also includes the prowar and prohegemony neocons the true uniparty is the Babylonian party