Donald Trump is my president and my vote can't be swayed but damn it, sometimes I wish Trump would just keep his confrontational mouth shut! There are lots of middle-of-the-road republicans who will likely vote for Trump regardless, but there are plenty of Kemp supporters who could be alienated by Trump's remarks. I'm no fan of Kemp but he is our governor and he's better than Abrams on a bad day, so why not stop with the division? Why risk turning off voters who are fair weather-ride the fence types? Sometimes I find myself mystified by the strategy...
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It brings attention to Kemp.
WE already know Kemp is compromised. But normies don't. At this point, it's the normies who are asleep at the wheel who will make or break this election. Just my opinion.
Trump doesn't need to pander to the whites in GA as he's had that solid for years. He needs bring fire since that is what blacks and latino's love to hear. Some cultures still are the TBS Macho man of the 1990's and Trump can give them that. Understand the different demographics and you'll understand how Trump is selling to them.
Kemp was about to agree to investigations and then they blew up his daughter's boyfriend's car.
He should have maned up,lots of patriots lost friends and family and kept on fighting.
Yup. And when I tell people this, they look at me with skepticism. Some think I've lost my mind. Kemp has been good for Georgia in every way except the 2020 stolen election. As I said, I'm not a fan but I DID vote for him...
I guess he’s better than that fat blimp who was running on the dem ticket
Sadly, we do!
Nah get rid of the lot
We have 90%+ of the vote so it doesnt matter
Reprisals are more important and have to start now
I hear you on that. But it might be a tactic to make it look like when Kenp actually looks into fraud this time they can't go, trump made him do it look at all tye criticism from the guy
This… I agree
Cannot let the fraud happen and need some form of pressure to insure it.
I think we too often judge some of President Trump’s posts and comments as being random. But, over time I don’t think anything he does or says is random.
It’s like the line in the Bourne Supremacy where Nicky, the handler for the Treadstone assassins says, “ They don’t do random. There’s always an objective. Always a target.”
I think if we ever got a glimpse of the planning that goes into these seemingly off the cuff remarks, we would be floored.
Kemp is a corrupt pussy. Trump is right.
Kemp made promises to Trump of confirmed signature matches of mail in ballots along with publishing all ballots and failed to deliver. Not to mention the secretly recorded call between Trump and Raffensperger which fueled the media/democrat narratives resulting in RICO charges. Throw in Raffensperger insisting the data Trump used in his GA election lawsuit that was never heard is wrong and his data that he refused to publish is right.
Kemp deserves whatever wrath Trump throws his way.
I enjoyed every bit of it. They need to be called out for the spineless criminals they are. Keep it up PDJT
I hate those mean tweets said no Trump supporter ever.
I think he has his reasons, maybe something we don't know.
Yes, this is what I keep telling myself...
They have it all. If there's something important, they know it.
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp attends World Economic Forum YouTube · 11Alive Jan 23, 2024
Reminds me of the McCain no name era. Kemp is shit, he’s just letting normies know it. The astroturfing is fun to watch though.
When trump speaks it is tactical not emotional. If you cringe at what trump says then you don't see the strategic picture of the systematic exposure of the deep state. Zero of the remarks that trump has said has hurt him. ALL of his remarks have resulted in exposure of the person he spoke about. He is a master of commandeerimg the media to his use. No need to fret.
Not one single Kemp supporter will vote for whoever the Dnc chooses because Trump said something about the truth.
And, all of those motherfuckers need to go straight to hell. Those kinds of voters are exactly the ones who have caused our nation to suffer the most. Appeasement of tyranny- whether from the left, or the right, is what got our nation into the dangerous position we find ourselves in today.
Trump should have buried the "republican" party altogether on Jan. 7, 2021, and let all of those so-called "middle of the road republicans" hop in bed with the marxist-democrats, and neo-con nazis, so they can learn exactly what being a "middle of the road" weakling earns.