Bandwagonman 1 point ago +1 / -0

For starters, the coof is not a super disease. It's just the flu by another name.

I DO think that China was working on a super virus, but it was her turn, and they were going to wait until probably her second turn to release it. But China is China, and they accidentally let it loose too early so the rest of the global deep state had to scramble and put their plan into action a few years sooner than they wanted. Which is why it's such a chaotic plan. Fauci waffles on every issue, the CDC and WHO have both shown their incompetence, etc.

I believe this is part of a plan, but they had to fast track it because China made a mistake.

Bandwagonman 10 points ago +10 / -0

Shedding means a person that has been vaccinated is contagious and can potentially infect people around them.

The covid shot is not a vaccine, so by definition those that have taken it cannot be shedding a live virus, but that doesn't mean they aren't transmitting something else.

Bandwagonman 2 points ago +2 / -0

the covid "vaccine" doesn't work like actual vaccines, where you give someone a weakened virus for your immune system to safely "practice" against, which makes you immune to the real thing. The covid "vaccine" makes your body produce a viral protein that """hypothetically""" teaches your body how to fight the coof. If the vaccinated are shedding anything, it's that viral protein.

Bandwagonman 25 points ago +25 / -0

What business do any of these companies have in rebuking lawmakers? They're companies!

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