Yeah but we don't have to give the sites we use that information directly.
It will be expanded to every site where porn might be posted meaning any site that allows user generated content even if forbidden in the TOS and also establishes precedent that we have no right to anonymity. This means that soon it will be impossible to communicate without submitting ID.
not much more to tell
It will be expanded to everywhere porn could potentially be seen so any site that allows user generated content, meaning anywhere people can communicate. This does nothing to protect children and that is the same argument used to attack the second amendment.
Porn is just the pretense for attacking online anonymity.
You realize this is being used to force ID for internet use right?
You realize this is being used to force ID for internet use right?
Noncompliance and work arounds don't solve anything, policians should be afraid to even propose these sorts of laws, much less pass them.