Bardspeak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do wim hof method and a cold shower. It'll get you as close to doing that as possible.

Bardspeak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gematria: a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters.

In Hebrew culture/language, words which have the same mathematical value were equated to mean the same word (or to at least have related meanings). SerialBrain2 used it a lot in his decodes.

I imagine that part of Trump/Q team's planning involved careful study of the Bible and it's prophecies when coming up with "The Plan". Ancient Hebrew is a very complex language which reveals a lot in very little when understood.

For those who don't know in quantam grammar the words are quantified. You can make language mathematical to create bulletproof contracts and once the other languages have their math dialed in, using a computer you can insta translate.

Bardspeak 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw that. Forgot to link it. Ty. DO IT Q

Bardspeak 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait until the last possible second then strike like the fastest animal on the planet

Bardspeak 2 points ago +2 / -0

55 means clearest message. In the red 1-6 final thing is USSS

Bardspeak 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just the timing of 55 mainly. 55 means super clear. What if saying usss in that speech was a thing? All i can say is i picked it out. Upon inspection there was the 55.

Bardspeak 2 points ago +2 / -0

The math checks out. Hit acquired. Chase that dragon.

Bardspeak 11 points ago +11 / -0

Part of feeling comfortable in these situations is surrender. The people who are the most confident and unshakeable are the ones who have internalized the narrative by surrendering to their own experiences.

Chalk it all up. He said "we've accomplished everything we set out to do". Does this mean he already arrested Hilary? Is she under control? Did he lie? He said she'd be in jail. Quite frankly I'll trust the idea body doubles are real one thousand times more than corona lockdowns and masks. Sit back. The patience is so important right now. Q said Trump has to be impartial. Look neutral.

Who's going to do the killing? Him? Orrrrrr military?

Don't be so ready for President Trump to start tupaccing "yoyo Dis the USA we about to slaughter all these pedo criminals. Ya the great awakening Mah citizen, we arrested em all, watch their trials, bam bam treason is the reason they hang." like no.

The more this goes on the more i feel like we'll get to watch borderline r Lee ermery military backings during these trials. Passionate, calculated, military judges and team will dispense the justice.

Just be ready for anything. Life is like the sparrow the flies across the river bed. You see it and fly with it for a second then your back to enjoying the river. A small passing of a unique event. Once it's gone it's gone.


by BQnita
Bardspeak 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yup. The refresh when fisa drops will be like.......biblical. Then ill take another rew breaths and be laying there reading.

Bardspeak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just remember how easy it is to find a q proof. His job is finding the depths of evidence. Lack of consistent behaviour and poor research in this domain only outs him to me.

Bardspeak 5 points ago +5 / -0

And? Then he should hide well. People have curiosity. If they aren't allowed to be curios because you say/want a topic off limits because you're sick of seeing something you think is annoying don't go on the internet. Jfk jr could be alive. Bottom fuckin line. Leave the curious people to do their job. Shit posting stop talking about it gets no one no where. It leaves stones unturned.

Bardspeak 12 points ago +15 / -3

Q said he was dead. Misinformation is real.

Why are you so intent on stoping people from talking? Sounds anti FA to me.

A super celeb faking his death and hiding isn't far fetched. Being involved ina world wide secret op is also not a stretch. IF IT'S 1/5 possible let the people chat.

Bardspeak 0 points ago +1 / -1

All you who are doom ing about this being wrong... You miss the point. You still can't get over the fact you didn't see something happen on the outside. Look at the post. Does it say "HERE'S THE CALL NOW 15". No. But the chain is exceptionally logical. We all feel the eas can go any day. This is relevant information that's solid. The tension is palpable right now. GOOD WORK.

Bardspeak 21 points ago +21 / -0

It's been ten days since the sixth. What have we learned:

Roughly 3 weeks notice (og Trump tweet will be wild)

1-3 million attendees (?)

On a Wednesday.

Trump speech 57 min late (Trump avg late time?)

Speech was totally appropriate

1pm the electoral vote started

Around 1:05pm i heard "proud boys have breached the fence" as i was leaving the Washington monument (who broke thr fence? Who yelled it?)

There was a mass exodus of people who left president Trump speech early (i witnessed it).

I was thinking the view of these people "turning their back on him as he spoke" was really dumb because there was something obviously very important happening 15 min away.... You know.... Gov employees stealing an election.

My experience was the protest energy was extremely causal. Wow y'all know how to protest. People are so occupied with waving their flags and getting video footage outweighed any directed predatory aggression.

People yelling. Some pepper spray. I saw some rough altercations but it's The Capitol Building. Still too soon to determine who's a bad actor? Will we ever know if ANY of the real destructive behaviour came from a single, genuinely pissed off maga pro trumper? Would their rage to push a fence over be justified?

It all felt way too easy. I, was on The Capital Building and i didn't have to dodge any police, or even hop a fence. I freely walked everywhere which means the security was inadequate deliberately (no way you can blame lack of planning) or the protestors were so aggressive they overwhelmed police. Did they work together to open up access to the building?

I saw a statement 236 ANTIFA were embedded.

This is a big ramble ill piece together throughout the day. So exhausted. I want to grab every piece of evidence i can to help understand where we're at. Does anyone know concretely what even happened?

by reynard
Bardspeak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Guilt is their most powerful. An internal sense of punishment-guilty.

Bardspeak 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm building epiphanydayphoto.Com


Bardspeak 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy this bait is legendary.

Bardspeak 3 points ago +3 / -0

The individual close to me was a crew commander during the surge. I see it affects him everyday. Only greatness comes out of him. He saw the palantir. I've seen it in his eyes. But still only greatness comes out.

Bardspeak 4 points ago +4 / -0

So this was dry runs to develop the best policing tech for back home in America? The cia used 3rd and associated units to test the equipment...? That report felt like an advertisement to me.

This is very sad. Someone close to me was deployed during the surge...

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