I havent had my account on here for too long, but ive had it long enough to see this board move from q research to liberally more stupid fucking memes than actual research being done. Im asking for everyone to refrain from posting the same fucking shit on here as you do your gab or your Facebook. What happened to posting sources? Its our job to show these new users how to research, not bring their bullshit social media "do it for the likes" posts.


Ok so I'm not sure this is on the right board but I think this one will do.

So my girlfriend is messaging me while she is taking this online seminar for work through a company called MGE Management. Apparently they are a scientologist group. It's essentially a class on reading people and knowing how to sell stuff to any person. Anyways on to the important part.

They were going over how people love to project their intentions and then they proceed to give the example "if someone talks only about how good they are, they're a child trafficker" and then went on to talk about embezzlement in another example.

My question is how is a seminar about knowing your patient have anything to do with these examples. I've been slowly waking my girlfriend up and now she's questioning everything. It would seem that this company is projecting their own intentions. Maybe a little investigation is warranted?