BigfootPNW 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has anyone transferred to computershare from robinhood? Can't make a computershare account! Any info is greatly appreciated.

BigfootPNW 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hello. I've been hanging around for a year or so. Found Q about 2 1/2 years ago. I don't post. I can't get my thoughts in writing in a timely manner. I guess I'm a over thinker in some way. A type of perfectionist that can hinder aspects of my life. So I learn by observation, always watching and listening.
36 yo father of two boys, married at 20. I started my greater awakening around 23 years old. I found a site "educateyourself.org" at 25 yo, and went down a few deep dark holes for a year or so. Fear, anxiety, depression and anger sent me spiralling out of control. I pulled myself back up with the help of my wife. Trying to do my part at this time of "planting seeds" and "setting brushfires" of freedom. When dark comes to light, I will be the rock for the people I know to keep them grounded. I appreciate everyone here who contributes to these threads, and the lurkers in the background.

Side note... 45 min in... I should just delete this...

BigfootPNW 5 points ago +6 / -1

Standing fast! Holding the line! May God have mercy.