Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

(D)ay (of) (D)ays 1-A 2-B...5-D 5:5 Think mirror Palindrome 10 days Darkness

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

My guess the WH snatched him, he made a plea deal. Part of deal was him dumping certain information.

Bigneckedmanjr 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are all these fags still crying? Here, let me spell it out for you all... Hunters become the hunted. When? Well, fucking now fools. We’ve taken an ass raping for the last four years. WH took everything they needed. Gave the left what they wanted. WH still have all their ammunition. What a perfect time to deploy. Now theres no room for projection, no one left to blame. All eyes on Biden. Let the artillery barrage begin. What will the left do? Who will they blame? Bwahaha when do we hold the line? Right before the CHAAAARGE.... get ready to unleash the last four years of hell on the left for their bullshit. Now they get to sit in the hot seat. They will see how fun it is. They’ve only got 75 million hungry ass barbarians ready to give it right back. Guess who gets to eat the blame for the entire human enslavement shit pile? Just desserts.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are all these fags still crying? Here, let me spell it out for you all... Hunters become the hunted. When? Well, fucking now fools. We’ve taken an ass raping for the last four years. WH took everything they needed. Gave the left what they wanted. WH still have all their ammunition. What a perfect time to deploy. Now theres no room for projection, no one left to blame. All eyes on Biden. Let the artillery barrage begin. What will the left do? Who will they blame? Bwahaha when do we hold the line? Right before the CHAAAARGE.... get ready to unleash the last four years of hell on the left for their bullshit. Now they get to sit in the hot seat. They will see how fun it is. They’ve only got 75 million hungry ass barbarians ready to give it right back. Guess who gets to eat the blame for the entire human enslavement shit pile? Just desserts.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are all these fags still crying? Here, let me spell it out for you all... Hunters become the hunted. When? Well, fucking now fools. We’ve taken an ass raping for the last four years. WH took everything they needed. Gave the left what they wanted. WH still have all their ammunition. What a perfect time to deploy. Now theres no room for projection, no one left to blame. All eyes on Biden. Let the artillery barrage begin. What will the left do? Who will they blame? Bwahaha when do we hold the line? Right before the CHAAAARGE.... get ready to unleash the last four years of hell on the left for their bullshit. Now they get to sit in the hot seat. They will see how fun it is. They’ve only got 75 million hungry ass barbarians ready to give it right back. Guess who gets to eat the blame for the entire human enslavement shit pile? Just desserts.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are all these fags still crying? Here, let me spell it out for you all... Hunters become the hunted. When? Well, fucking now fools. We’ve taken an ass raping for the last four years. WH took everything they needed. Gave the left what they wanted. WH still have all their ammunition. What a perfect time to deploy. Now theres no room for projection, no one left to blame. All eyes on Biden. Let the artillery barrage begin. What will the left do? Who will they blame? Bwahaha when do we hold the line? Right before the CHAAAARGE.... get ready to unleash the last four years of hell on the left for their bullshit. Now they get to sit in the hot seat. They will see how fun it is. They’ve only got 75 million hungry ass barbarians ready to give it right back. Guess who gets to eat the blame for the entire human enslavement shit pile? Just desserts.

by BQnita
Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are all these fags still crying? Here, let me spell it out for you all... Hunters become the hunted. When? Well, fucking now fools. We’ve taken an ass raping for the last four years. WH took everything they needed. Gave the left what they wanted. WH still have all their ammunition. What a perfect time to deploy. Now theres no room for projection, no one left to blame. All eyes on Biden. Let the artillery barrage begin. What will the left do? Who will they blame? Bwahaha when do we hold the line? Right before the CHAAAARGE.... get ready to unleash the last four years of hell on the left for their bullshit. Now they get to sit in the hot seat. They will see how fun it is. They’ve only got 75 million hungry ass barbarians ready to give it right back. Guess who gets to eat the blame for the entire human enslavement shit pile? Just desserts.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are all these fags still crying? Here, let me spell it out for you all... Hunters become the hunted. When? Well, fucking now fools. We’ve taken an ass raping for the last four years. WH took everything they needed. Gave the left what they wanted. WH still have all their ammunition. What a perfect time to deploy. Now theres no room for projection, no one left to blame. All eyes on Biden. Let the artillery barrage begin. What will the left do? Who will they blame? Bwahaha when do we hold the line? Right before the CHAAAARGE.... get ready to unleash the last four years of hell on the left for their bullshit. Now they get to sit in the hot seat. They will see how fun it is. They’ve only got 75 million hungry ass barbarians ready to give it right back. Guess who gets to eat the blame for the entire human enslavement shit pile? Just desserts.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are all these fags still crying? Here, let me spell it out for you all...

Hunters become the hunted. When? Well, fucking now fools. We’ve taken an ass raping for the last four years. WH took everything they needed. Gave the left what they wanted. WH still have all their ammunition. What a perfect time to deploy. Now theres no room for projection, no one left to blame. All eyes on Biden. Let the artillery barrage begin. What will the left do? Who will they blame? Bwahaha when do we hold the line? Right before the CHAAAARGE.... get ready to unleash the last four years of hell on the left for their bullshit. Now they get to sit in the hot seat. They will see how fun it is. They’ve only got 75 million hungry ass barbarians ready to give it right back. Guess who gets to eat the blame for the entire human enslavement shit pile? Just desserts.

Bigneckedmanjr 15 points ago +16 / -1

The truth is the truth. Q is not the truth merely the messenger. The truth existed far before Q ever did. I will hold the line no matter what because I know the truth, even if Trump, Q or whoever is a deceiver. Hold the line folks because there’s one thing we know and that’s the pedo-luciferian cabal does exist and it is either us or them.

Bigneckedmanjr 0 points ago +1 / -1

Colorado Springs... Cheyenne Mountain...Peterson AFB...

This is a central location for the Space Force, which is the earth based faction working with the Secret Space Program factions that broke away from the cabal. There is a ‘bridge’ being built between the above top secret break away civilizations that are working to assist the human slave population military-industrial complex on earth from the cabal. People within the special access programs are highly compartmentalized and have no idea anything exists above them. These programs were siphoned to private military contractors as to remain off prying elected official eyes. No accountability. No existence. Under this blanket of secrecy reverse engineered alien reproductive vehicles have given those who control it a vast leap in technological advancement. What humanity has already would launch us lightyears into the future. Prepare yourselves

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

The higher a being consciously ascends the ‘closer to God’ it becomes. Or rather the more it consciously awakens to the truth it is one with all that is. Ascension at this stage would mean letting go of the ego dominant paradigm and embracing a heart centered unconditionally loving conscious state of being. Therefore, those at the top so to speak are the closest in alignment with divinity. As the saying goes, if God is on our side who could stand against us? The higher dimensional yet still galactic/cosmic forces if you will, that are here to assist humanity have ascended beyond what the Draconian forces have ever touched. The fight if there was one wouldn’t even be fair which is why they stand on the sideline, meticulously assisting human forces in carrying out nothing short of a divine plan designed to carefully awaken the human collective in the most spiritually evolving way possible.

You should look into the story of how the very concept of monotheism was brought to humanity. Why were the Ra (collective) known as sun gods? Do you know what a star is on a higher dimensional plane? Why would the concept of a portal be called a star gate? The universe is not barren and sparse but rather interconnected much like the image of the human minds neural pathways... only on a macrocosmic web... as above, so below.

The total sum minds of the universe is... one. What is God? What is the image of God? Ascension is the expansion of consciousness. ;)

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plant the seeds, they won’t begin to flower until light shines upon them. Humanity is barely capable of handling the concept of self interested elites carrying out a self interested agenda even though it seeps through every crack in our reality. Small minds carry small ideas. Don’t get discouraged. Just remember you may seem wrong for this moment but you will be right for an eternity after. ;)

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you heard of predictive programming? Consider the plan to fully enslave humanity is thousands of years in the making. Isn’t that what you biblefags believe after all? The only thing most are missing is what this ‘Satan’ really is. Couldn’t it be both? Fallen angels lusting after the daughters of men, procreating? Doesn’t seem like a lower dimensional entity to me? Flesh and blood. But how did it get here? Do you think angelic beings need to descend from the sky’s on pillars of smoke and fire? Who are the Annunaki? Who are the Nephilim? Who were the descendants of the Nephilim according to the Bible? The Anak and Anakim.... the truth is already here for those who wish to know.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.

We exist outside of their reality, it is why they immediately shut down when we present the truth. The revelation of full disclosure will be their Armageddon. It will be the manifestation of their entire reality imploding. This is why the plan is so careful, so deliberate. Not for us, for them. If humanity falls, what was all of this for? To whom much is given, much will be required. We have been given truth, we must now take on the responsibility and hardship of that truth to assist in delivering the next wave of the awakened.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here we have the alliance sweeping up nations literally overnight. Throwing out impossible peace treaties between groups that have fought for thousands of years and they can’t snatch some fucking geriatric with dementia??? Man you guys need some excessive hand holding.

Bigneckedmanjr 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your absolutely right. Here’s one for you... maybe the ‘old boot’ is already under lock and key? Maybe his secret service detail is really his prison guards? Maybe it’s all a movie? Why would good old Hanx come to be the host of the event? You think he’s flying back here from some extradition free location to get nabbed? I think what your missing is the fact they already have these fucks in a noose. Enjoy the show ;)

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just wonder if they needed to spread the seeds. After a while an echo chamber consensus starts to happen. Anybody on the fringe is silenced and moves off. It’s good to mingle in different crowds. lol Plenty of sheep to lead. ;)

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

This isn’t just antifa we’re talking. Mercenary forces. You think the cabal are gonna throw a pack of pussyhats at this? Bwahahaha

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +4 / -2

Don’t worry, it will happen to many other leftist cities. It will be worse than you think. Cities will burn. People will be fleeing on foot. The national guard isn’t going to take it head on. They are going to barricade them in to protect the rest of us and let karma run it’s course. Those living for death, will die by their own hand. Many problems will work themselves out in that way. Free will will be allowed to play out so if you are anywhere near a liberal city war zone you may need to think about leaving.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

We have been given advanced knowledge by higher beings in the distant past. This knowledge was occulted by ancient mystery schools and eventually coveted by European secret societies. This knowledge is coming out again today in what many blindly disregard as new age nonsense, but it is the most ancient of knowledge.


Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait until the starseed unfoldment begins ;)

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