Blessed_be 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s funny. I don’t wear one either but recently got a mask that is literally just a piece of mesh that is so fine and thin that you see right through it (I only wear it at Costco) Anyways yeah no one even bats an eye

Blessed_be 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do it (no mask) here out in Cali literally every time I go out. And guess what? NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING! This is like the most cucked place and still nothing.

Blessed_be 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is comex?

Blessed_be 6 points ago +6 / -0

Are you guys sure this is real? It just seems really weird that somehow her dairy is in someone else’s possession.. (especially when the source is some random website) I’m totally not a shill I just don’t want us to look like a bunch of nut jobs if things posted here are false

by BQnita
Blessed_be 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s crazy that people wear masks without anyone even saying anything! Like just wait until an employee asks you at least.

I literally don’t wear one in any store I go and if someone says I have to then I say I have a medical condition. IF it goes further than that I leave or put on a fully transparent mesh mask.

If we were all to resist just a little then the restrictions would not haven’t gotten to the point we are currently at..

Blessed_be 2 points ago +2 / -0

God bless you dear fren. May your wife deliver your little one safe and sound into the world, and even with the craziness of politics and the extremely difficult time of having a new baby may you find peace and joy in the lord and your growing family?

Be careful not to be sucked into this site again while you’re at home with your little baby.. speaking from experience here (I’m the mother) seriously set limits on your phone that only your wife can access like a one hour a day maximum in this site and other sites you use compulsively use (FB, Instagram, YouTube, patriots, this site). Sometimes the best thing you can do for your wife is literally just sit next to her and stare at a wall just as long as you are near and not distracted by anything.

Again God bless dear fren

Blessed_be 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just don’t think that it would have gained any traction (GameStop) had the document not been unsealed. I very well could be wrong but I’m just wondering if the upcoming “suicides” are attached to the cabal and going to be covered as people on Wall Street that lost millions. At the end of the day the elites will sacrifice the wealthy with few ties to keep themselves safe

Blessed_be 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much for your work. It’s because of people like you that we have any information at all.

Unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to go through them. My life is a bit chaotic at the moment. I was honestly hoping to reach someone like you that does do the digging. It just seriously seems like this whole thing is planned with the market. Like they knew that these documents would be unsealed about this time, and through their best efforts redacted as much as possible. Then in the chance that a real name were to slip they had a great diversion ready in allowing a trail of breadcrumbs for the public to follow and uncover something large but that we all already knew. It’s completely sloppy work what happened with GameStop and honestly I would be surprised if the person that uncovered it was planted.

The thing is though the United States eating itself is the hope of so many foreign entities and those that are at the top of the cabal. They don’t care that someone lost millions or even billions because it wasn’t theirs, and makes it all the more likely that those people that the cabal is connected to would “commit suicide”. Idk maybe I’m stretching this out too far, but if you are able to continue digging then please look into the connections that come out of those that “commit suicide”.

Thank you so much again for your service. God bless you.

Blessed_be 1 point ago +1 / -0

Careful, don’t get ahead of yourself. All the sharks are aware of us little fish being a threat and will try everything to avoid what has happened today with GameStop with slv

Blessed_be 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you!

Blessed_be 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amen May the Lord give you all strength and His peace which surpasses all understanding

by BQnita
Blessed_be 6 points ago +6 / -0


We reject their crooked ways! We reject their their call for for a globalist society! We reject the Swamp!

Call us Trump cultists if you will, but our values will no longer be hidden! We are NOT conservatives! We are Americans, we are proud of our country, of our families and our way of life!

May the LORD God, the creator of heaven and earth, the almighty father guide our country into a new era of righteousness!

Blessed_be 0 points ago +1 / -1

What does WWG1WGA mean? And Sempter fi for that matter?

Blessed_be 10 points ago +10 / -0

God bless you dear Pede! The video was very informative

Blessed_be 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gosh, which part did she want stricken out? I’ve literally been waiting All Day!

Blessed_be 4 points ago +4 / -0

The last week has felt like three weeks have gone by. I swear this website consumes you. With that said I’M SO GRATEFUL FOR MY FELLOW PEDES! Gosh without you all I’d be stuck with the doomers at the donald (sorry they gave that name up ?) looking at everyone’s memes and lack of substance posts. So grateful for you all

Blessed_be 33 points ago +34 / -1

Sorry but this is an inaccurate portrayal of what happened. She was 23, he was 31. She cheated on her first husband. Here is the full story https://www.dailywire.com/news/jill-bidens-first-husband-heres-the-real-story-of-how-jill-and-joe-met

Blessed_be 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope the “ suicide weekend” isn’t hits sent out on those that undermined their nasty plan

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