And another one.
Possibly interesting: In new age circles there are people that say we are approaching a new type of reality. Reality will shift towards a more positive vibration and this process was started around 2012 and is gaining more and more momentum. It is claimed that when we approach this threshold, karma will work much more instantly. We can at least say that in the past months we have seen quite some evidence of this :)
For anyone who doesn't know the true story behind PEPE:
You don't know this as a fact.
A scenario that is just as likely is that the plan is to keep on printing fiat money so that the high inflation will wake people up to the scam. People will then finally start to realize that a decentralized deflationary currency (like Bitcoin) is a whole lot better.
And then we can have a relatively smooth transfer from the old money to the new money without any catastrophic shocks to the worldwide economy.
You can make it really difficult to use Bitcoin of course. And in a modern country with a good enough local currency, a Bitcoin ban would be bad.
But if you take the example of some countries (with very high inflation for instance) banning the USD, then people in those countries will not stop trading USD on street corners. When the allowed currency in a country is sufficiently shit, people will not care about what the government says.
If we end up in a situation that's so tyrannical that we need to barter, then it doesn't matter that Bitcoin is deemed illegal. Torrenting is also illegal but who cares? What are they going to do about it?
And of course, if the world really goes to shit then it's better to barter goods. But in a functioning world economy barter just doesn't work.
We could even do Bitcoin transactions with radio signals if we really want!
For the people interested:
How to Send Bitcoin Over Ham Radio
Dogecoin is not the same as Bitcoin and Musk was pushing Dogecoin.
Also, Musk has clearly shown that he doesn't even understand crypto properly. When Musk tried to get involved in Dogecoin and tried to tell the engineers how to solve Dogecoin's issues, his ideas were laughable. Nobody that understands crypto takes Musk seriously.
He's just in it for the memes, the money and the excitement.
They can't confiscate Bitcoin. That's not how it works. They would have to steal your private keys of you and these keys can exist solely in your head. Maybe if they torture you they can confiscate your Bitcoin.
And yes they can make it illegal just as they made torrenting illegal. But torrenting is still happening a lot so government bans would not be some sort of final end point for Bitcoin.
And in El Salvador you can buy your groceries with Bitcoin now since BTC is legal tender there. There are other places you can use your Bitcoin to buy everyday items. But it's the same as with the internet: it needs time to grow and then at a certain point it's everywhere. We haven't reached that stage yet and that's the reason why you can't pay with Bitcoin everywhere.
You can however get debit cards that you load up with Bitcoin and then you can actually pay for your groceries with Bitcoin.
Nice try. The truth of the matter is that your explanation iis way too convoluted.
If TPTB can get normies to inject themselves with clot shots by saying these shots are healthy, then they don't need some intricate plan with all sorts of fake outs to get people to embrace CBDCs.
And Bitcoin can be banned in the same sense that torrenting can be banned.
No problem :)
And diversifying is always best. I've already sold a lot of crypto and put it in real estate.
Even when housing prices will go down in the coming years, you will still have a house and when you retire your house will still be worth a lot!
Also interesting is that when TPTB were really pushing the "Bitcoin wastes energy and is making climate change worse" narrative, that's when China decided to ban mining. And it was in China that the dirtiest forms of energy were being used to mine Bitcoin. And since when does China care about climate change?
Did China ban mining because Xi Jinping is working together with the white hats as Q has alluded to? Did China ban mining so that the MSM would shut up with their constant crying about Bitcoin and the dirty energy used to mine Bitcoin?
This board has definitely attracted certain types of people.
There are many anti-Bitcoin people, pro Flat-Earth theorists and dogmatic Christians that won't allow for any ideas that are not in the bible.
This place is less fun than a year ago.
There is no site hosting your wallet if you use Bitcoin as intended. If you keep your Bitcoin on an exchange, then you might be in trouble yes. But if you keep your private keys at home under your own control, there's no way to freeze your account.
And if the internet goes down forever, then we have bigger problems in the world. In a Mad Max type of world, Bitcoin can not exist and is useless.
The system is designed in such a way that an equilibrium will be reached. Let's say the world is now entirely running on Bitcoin and it has a price of 1 million dollars per Bitcoin. This will then mean that more miners than we currently have at a price point of 45.000 dolars, will join in and therefore more energy will be used by the network. But more miners also means more computing power and then the network will adjust to the new influx of miners. The network will always make sure a block is generated every 10 minutes.
So if there's only 2 miners in the network: 10 minute block time and low difficulty If there's thousands of miners: 10 minute block time and high difficulty
And at a certain point the difficulty of the network is so high, that miners need to invest a lot of money and at a certain point the investmen is not worth it anymore, even with a Bitcoin price of 1 million dollars. So there will not be an endless joining of miners. At a certain point, miners can't break even anymore.
And this effect will become greater, since every 4 years the reward of mining is halved. Putting even more pressure on mining profits and therefore number of miners joining the network.
Also, I don't think you missed the boat on Bitcoin. Bitcoin can still easily go times 10 or 20. Needless to say, don't put all your money in it :)
CNBC, Bloomberg and other more financially focused outlets have changed their tune on Bitcoin, but this took a long time. A lot of the other MSM outlets still talk a lot of nonsense about Bitcoin. Especially the climate nonsense was weaponized against Bitcoin even up to last year.
And yes, it's always best to diversify. So gold, silver, property, etc. should still be high on people's lists.
Also don't forget about the George Floyd mural that was destroyed by lightning!