Bonerpolice 1 point ago +7 / -6

I don't understand? TDS goes both ways my friend, it's okay to be bummed about a middling performance in maybe the most important debate in history lmao.

Now you respond with a silly gif, go ahead. That'll get me.

Bonerpolice 4 points ago +7 / -3

Correct. He missed several slam dunks.

He openly said he had a good relationship with Putin. Why say that? They will feast on that.

"Immigrants are eating dogs and cats" why say this? I'm sure it's true. But it will become the new "Trump said drink bleach" headline.

I like that he isn't tactful like a polished fake politician. But this performance is unlikely to sway anyone on the fence to vote for him.

The "concept of a plan" for Obamacare was embarrassing. He also didn't really go into any of his plans at all. Just kept repeating the immigrant thing (Which is valid) but will definitely turn certain people off.

I doubt that Kamala won any significant amount of voters tonight. I do believe Trump lost a few fence sitters, maybe even a few basic conservatives.

The question is why? We've seen him destroy dynasties in debates. Bush's and Clinton's destroyed. This is a nobody, and he didn't hit her on anything of value.

Fracking? Why spend so much time on something the vast majority don't understand or care about?

Does he not want it? Was he instructed to lose by some threatening puppeteer? Is he just old and tired?

Downvote me all you want, that wasn't the Trump we wanted tonight. That was strange. Something fucked up is happening.

Bonerpolice 0 points ago +5 / -5

Yeah no were all aware it was a 3v1.

So why wasn't Trump prepared for that? Honestly, I voted for him twice in a state where he didn't have a chance of winning. I like him as an outsider (in theory).

I'm not a shill. I'm a dude who watched a very strange debate where Trump was entirely off his game. He was rattled by something. I'm surprised more people aren't theorizing why.

Bonerpolice -4 points ago +5 / -9

Oh wow yeah I must be a shill and not a guy who just signed in on an old account I forgot existed.

I'm just a dude. We all saw the debate. Play pretend all you like, that was not what any of us wanted out of Trump tonight.

There, now it's 6 comments or so. What is the point of this site if not to genuinely discuss things like the debate?

Are you implying im on here to sow discord? Why?

deleted 1 point ago +6 / -5
Bonerpolice -2 points ago +10 / -12

I don't think Kamala won but I do think Trump lost. He didn't seem like himself and he gave the Dems way too much ammo with statements like "I have a great relationship with Putin" or something similar.

The immigrants are eating dogs and cats thing was a mistake too. Regardless of whether or not it's true, it's a ridiculous thing to say out of nowhere.

Was he instructed to lose this debate? Or is he just Old Man Donald? He missed so many slam dunks. That was a downer.

Bonerpolice -1 points ago +10 / -11

Yeah this was a disaster. He sounded like little Marco when he kept throwing the same border/immigrant situation into every response.

He was bad. To the point where maybe he was directed to lose? That wasn't the Trump we expected. He seems tired. That was depressing.