Interestingly it actually fits very well with the theory in question where they are mostly describing interactions with ET. Most of what they described as magic or miracles were technology we couldn’t understand. A great book to read if you’re interested is the Book of Enoch (Noah’s great grandfather) which was part of the Bible until it was removed in the Constantine convention around the year 1000 if I’m not mistaken. He talks about being taken into a crystal temple and walking to a table of flashing crystals before the whole temple lifted off the hill and flew into the heavens (sounds like flashing buttons on a control panel of a ship). Then he describes the moon orbiting the earth, the earth orbiting the sun and the sun in its own orbit of the galaxy (well over 1000 years before Galileo).
But long story short is the theory that a group of aliens crash landed on earth and salvaged their ships to make a highly technologically advanced society which we dubbed Atlantis (in Antarctica). They needed slave labor so they found the species closest to them and spliced some of their DNA into us (similar to modern Crispr) and made us much smarter in a generation (hence the missing link and us being made in their image). They also brought war and suffering which is the proverbial fall from grace/the garden of Eden. Flash forward several thousand years and Antarctica freezes due to pole shifts (west side used to be where Australia currently is) hence lost to the sea. They subtlety control humanity and create hybrids to rule over us (Devine right to rule) and they only interbreed to keep the bloodline pure (why royalty intermarried). The Nazi’s discovered a lot of this truth (hitlers obsession with the occult, trips into Egypt and India for old technology and artifacts) via the Vril society. They focused on this tech instead of the nuke which is why we beat them to it. They knew they were going to lose so they went to Antarctica (New Schwabenland) to hide their tech and we followed in operation high jump. We got our asses handed to us and within the year operation paper clip was in full swing. We shot down a craft expecting to capture Nazi’s in Roswell but instead shot down actual aliens. Eisenhower met with them but decided humanity wasn’t ready for the truth so he started Majestic 12 to keep the truth from humanity. They hatched a 80+ year plan to get humanity ready for awakening including the Hollywood symbolism and more. Q is a recent part of that effort as we reach the climax.
The elite aren’t just evil for no reason, they serve these alien groups who feed off loosh (negative energy caused by suffering). The cabal creates war, disease, famine, poverty and more all to create loosh for their ET rulers. The thing is, now there’s a good ET group (confederation of light) to fight the bad ETs (Orion group).
Trump even said in one of his Corona press conferences “I was talking to someone not of this earth the other day and they were surprised how many countries we have.” Q has said aliens are real “Are we alone in the universe? No. Consider the vastness of space. Highest classification”. This is what he means when he said “the end won’t be for everyone. The choice to know will be yours”