Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Whatever it is, no matter if it's mining rights, more military bases, a harbor to control the new shipping routes, Denmark has never been in the way if the US wanted to do any of that.

Denmark has also consistently kept China and Russia away, every time the Greenlanders tries to make deals with them under the table, to protect US interests.

By taking over or buying the whole island, American taxpayers will just takes on the upkeep costs of it. Which is now currently 70% funded by Denmark and 30% by their local economy which is based on fishing.

Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fake news media is spreading misinformation as usual. No matter what he actually said, the information EU leaders have gotten is direct threats of a military takeover. I saw the speech, he more or less "didn't exclude that option" which the media interpret as threats, which is then translated into actual threats.

Trump needs to clarify what he said before warmongering fake news media causes WW3.

Brannvesen 4 points ago +4 / -0

EU supplies mostly humanitarian aid to Ukraine, the Biden regime was the real warmongers. Russia knows this, and won't appreciate if the US gets away with essentially the same thing. China will likely have a problem with such takeover too.

Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

There won't be any military response, because neither side would benefit from such pointless war. and with nukes we'd all lose.

Economic warfare is a more likely outcome. EU and China controls the worlds shipping, with Mærsk being one of the largest shippers. If they all sanction the US, it'll be two weeks or so until the entire country is crippled from broken supply chains.

Remember the plandemic, were all they did was to impose some "green" policy forcing ships to go slower to save fuel and it almost crippled the US, just by a small slowdown in the supply chains.

Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right now they're testing, CCP are not afraid to sacrifice a couple of their own bugmen to spend the rest of their lives in a western prison, among a few old ships. Once they are ready to go to war, they'll deploy a whole fleet of these contraptions and cut every cable. Taiwan, cut off, the Nordics cut off, Hawaii cut off then finally the North American continent, early warning systems goes down, economic collapse in private sector, complete chaos which allows China and Russia to attack the US.

Brannvesen 3 points ago +4 / -1

Military occupation would bankrupt mainland USA in two weeks. EUs combined army (excluding UK) is stronger than the US army, but the US have the shorter distance to it's advantage. Nobody would win a military occupation. EU would let the US take the island without resistance then implement sanctions, hence two weeks until the US runs out of supplies and all hell breaks lose.

And while the US is weak from lack of supplies, civil war and more land than it can defend. China and Russia will take the opportunity to make their moves.

On the plus side, muh greatest ally will lose to the Arabs as the US lose it's overseas military bases. Hence no "greater israel". Middle east would stabilize and muslims living in the west would return home.

Brannvesen 4 points ago +4 / -0

They are free to leave at any time they want. But since 70% of their economy is free gibs from mainland Denmark they have to figure out a way to become self sufficient first.

Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

They had the ability to vote for independence for over 20 years already. Only reason they stay is for the money. Also keep in mind that these are professional parasites. They're not stupid. They know the value of what Denmark provides compared to a one time lump sum from the US taxpayers.

Brannvesen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yet another reason for them to stay with Denmark, no hostile architecture. Being homeless in the north is only survivable if you can find a warm place. Sure Denmark also have welfare so the number of homeless ain't anywhere near the insanely high US numbers. But they exist. Nuuk likely has a couple of dozen of them, all of them being inuits who are too lazy to get a job and too drunk to keep a job.

Brannvesen 1 point ago +2 / -1

America is more likely to sell out to China than Denmark would ever be. Especially after the backlash which may unfortunately turn America blue again.

Brannvesen 6 points ago +7 / -1

You say that every time you re-post these fake numbers pulled out of your ass. Anyone can check your history, the truth is public.

Brannvesen 7 points ago +9 / -2

Because OP makes posts every week saying we should throw more money at NATO, why do you believe he'd suddenly change his mind?

This whole chart also exclude most of the defense budget, which is fraudulent.

Brannvesen 5 points ago +6 / -1

$3500 per capita? That's $1.15T in total, were the hell did you get that number from? The entire military budget for the US in 2022 was $876B.

So you don't understand per capita, you pull numbers out of your ass, and you exclude most of the defense spending from other countries because it's not federally funded like the US army. Why do you re-post this same lie over and over again, repeating a lie doesn't make it true.

Brannvesen 12 points ago +13 / -1

It has nothing to do with defense, only aggression. Yet OP post this shit every day, demanding that we all pay more into NATO.

Brannvesen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would I ask the government for permission to take out the government using guns?

Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

MSB is happy that their brochure is getting international attention. Latest edition is 32 pages, full of good advice on preparation for wars, plandemics, natural disasters and such. A new edition is released every year, doesn't mean a war is incoming. It just means there's at least one government in this clown world that doesn't outright hate it's own people.

Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Disrupt the supply chains, Maersk is a Danish shipping company, one of the largest in the world. They can also stop deliveries of engines, transmissions and other important vehicle parts needed for road transport. Within hours there would be complete chaos, every store looted and burned down, negroes running amok, libtards rioting. Cities won't last more than a few days at most.

Few weeks later only the Amish and some rural communities will remain as they are the only communities not dependent on imported goods. Geralt might have his bag of rice and beans which he soak in polluted water to have something to eat.

Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

CIA took down several EU based free speech sites. It seems that they are using EU as a proxy. This wouldn't be the first time they blame their own shenanigans on some unreachable entity abroad.

Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Basically how it is right now, the region doesn't need more soldiers, it needs to be demilitarized, slowly, just like with the reduction of nukes. Additionally Ukraine should not join any western alliances such as NATO, EU or Shengen, they have to be neutral.

The occupied regions should vote for which country they want to belong to, just like Crimea.

Brannvesen 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the OVH fire around the same time, on the French-German border. Probably more evidence getting destroyed as the whole thing were covered up and no cause of the fire has yet been found.

Brannvesen 2 points ago +3 / -1

GDPR makes it nearly impossible to find out what real people think. No calls, no emails, only libtards have time to participate in the polling industrial complex, which has grown up as a result of protected privacy.

Even "asking the man on the street" type of polls are usually only done in big cities, were as expected you'll only get the opinions of big city dwellers. Most real people have no business in the cities and won't go there at all.

There's no east vs west bullshit, more generally you'll have city dwellers vs rurals and eastern Europe is generally more rural. Northern Europe is even more rural, with small America communities out in the forests, inland Sweden you'll find entire villages full of Trump flags, but fake news media will never show that. Fair enough that most of the people there are American immigrants, but still.

Brannvesen 1 point ago +2 / -1

Also, many pollsters don't have "none" as a choice. In some questions, both candidates suck from the perspective of European interests.

Brannvesen 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only fags are the ones they polled. Norwegian here, don't know how these polls operate in the US, but all EU countries have GDPR. Pollsters are not allowed to call or email anyone, you have to give consent and sign up for it.

This means signing up for a "polling subscription", just like with any other marketing, were it basically becomes a full time job participating in polls as you do dozens of them every day and get paid in breadcrumbs.

Now who do you think have time for that -> unemployed libtard city dwellers, who leech of the welfare systems, that's who. And who do you think they support? Not the one who want them to have a real job, I tell you that.

Keep that in mind from now on, any poll from any EU/EEA country is guaranteed to only have polled libtards. They never poll the real people. And it's the same thing "asking the man on the street", they never visit rural areas, only big cities. Heck journalists have been caught several times staging such interviews by having specific people "spontaneously" show up. Polls are fake and gay.

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